Maplesoft Sponsorships - Maplesoft


Maplesoft aims to promote innovation in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) by providing mathematics based software solutions to educators, engineers, researchers and students. By partnering with various organizations, and sponsoring their initiatives in education, research and innovation, Maplesoft aims to enhance the quality of math-based learning and discovery.

Together with its partners, Maplesoft strives to provide modern, innovative solutions to meet today’s challenges and help build a brighter future. See a sample of Maplesoft-sponsored initiatives below.

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Would you like Maplesoft to sponsor your event?

We have always been strong supporters of STEM based initiatives in our communities and beyond. To achieve this, Maplesoft is proud to offer a range of sponsorship options for STEM focused educational and extra-curricular events in exchange for brand visibility and engagement with communities.

To find out more about Maplesoft sponsoring your event, please email us at

Maplesoft-sponsored initiatives

Fields Institute

Maplesoft partners with the Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences to promote the study and use of math in education, research and industry. Maplesoft is a Corporate Affiliate of the Fields Institute and has donated its mathematical computation tool, Maple, to outfit every computer at the Fields Institute. All full-time researchers as well as visitors to Fields can take advantage of the computational power of Maple.

Maplesoft is also collaborating on events and workshops which examine the use of the internet, computational tools and other technology and tools to enhance the quality of mathematical studies.

The Fields Institute is an international center for research and training in all areas of the mathematical sciences and their applications. It promotes mathematical activity in Canada and helps to expand the application of mathematics in modern society.

Sponsorship Information:
Maplesoft and the Fields Institute Partner to Enhance Use of Technology in Mathematical Exploration

Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics

Maplesoft partners with The Perimeter Institute (PI), a leading centre for scientific research, training and educational outreach in foundational theoretical physics, to serve as its Educational Outreach Champion. Maplesoft provides financial support and greater access to its education technology software to researchers, teachers and students at PI. Maplesoft’s contributions support Perimeter’s Teacher Network training activities, core educational resources, development of online course material, the EinsteinPlus workshop for high school teachers, and the International Summer School for Young Physicists (ISSYP).

Maplesoft also provides complimentary Maplesoft product licenses to PI’s students and teachers for personal use.

Sponsorship Information: Maplesoft Enters Agreement with Perimeter Institute to Become its Educational Outreach Champion


The annual International Summer School for Young Physicists (ISSYP) is a two-week camp that brings together 40 exceptional physics-minded students from high schools across the globe to Canada's Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics. Each year students receive a complimentary copy of Maple, and use the product to practice and strengthen their math skills.

About: ISSYP

Einstein Plus

EinsteinPlus is a one-week intensive workshop for Canadian and international high school teachers that focuses on modern physics, including quantum physics, special relativity, and cosmology. Maplesoft proudly supports this workshop by giving teachers access to and training in Maple.


Who wants to be a Mathematician

Who Wants to Be a Mathematician is a competition organized by the American Mathematical Society (AMS) for high school students in North America. Maplesoft has been a sponsor of the contest for many years. Maplesoft also donates prizes to the game in order to promote the use and love of math by high school students.


The International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation

The International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC) is the premier conference for research in symbolic computation and computer algebra. The conference presents a range of invited speakers, tutorials, poster sessions, software demonstrations and vendor exhibits with a center-piece of contributed research papers. Maplesoft has been a proud partner of ISSAC for several years, and supports the symposium through funding and product donations, as well as by sponsoring past attendee receptions.

Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE)

Formula SAE

Formula SAE® is a student design competition organized by SAE International (formerly Society of Automotive Engineers) in which a fictional manufacturing company has contracted a design team to develop a small Formula-style race car. Formula SAE promotes careers and excellence in engineering as it encompasses all aspects of the automotive industry including research, design, manufacturing, testing, developing, marketing, management and finances. Formula SAE takes students out of the classroom and allows them to apply textbook theories to real work experiences.

SAE Aero Design

The SAE Aero Design competition is intended to provide undergraduate and graduate+ engineering students with a real-life engineering challenge. The competition has been designed to provide exposure to the kinds of situations that engineers face in their real-life work environment.

Maplesoft provides the opportunity for all participating teams in the Formula SAE and SAE Aero Design competitions to use its tools in their product designs. Teams collaborate from the initial design process through to competition, and in the process acquire and apply skills that they will later use as engineers. Participants had the opportunity to add a suite of Maplesoft products to their toolkit: Maple, the technical computing software; MapleSim, the advanced system-level modeling tool; the MapleSim Connector, a tool which allows users to export MapleSim models as Simulink® S-function blocks; and the Driveline Library, a collection of components, transmission sub-assemblies, and complete powertrain examples that show the use of components in driveline applications.

Sponsorship Information:
SAE Collegiate Design Competitors Use Industry Tools from Maplesoft

Create the Future

Create the Future Design Contest was launched in 2002 by the publishers of NASA Tech Briefs magazine to help stimulate and reward engineering innovation. The annual event has attracted more than 12,000 product design ideas from engineers, entrepreneurs, and students worldwide.

Maplesoft is a proud supporter of the Create the Future Design contest as a category sponsor of the Automation, Machinery and Robotics category. Winners receive the latest version of MapleSim as well as a financial donation, in recognition of their innovative idea and vision for the future.

Maplesoft is also proud to sponsor and be associated with a number of other competitions, conferences, and educational initiatives. A few of these associations are listed below.

Maplesoft can sponsor your event! For details, email us at