Markovian Dynamics in Open Quantum Systems - Maple Application Center
Application Center Applications Markovian Dynamics in Open Quantum Systems

Markovian Dynamics in Open Quantum Systems

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In this worksheet, we explore the question of how to model the dynamics of open quantum systems. We discover that by employing a mathematical formalism involving a direct product space, we can arrive at an exact equation of motion for the system density matrix that involves taking a trace over bath degrees of freedom. Then, we invoke the Markov approximation, which assumes that the time correlation functions of the bath degrees of freedom decay much faster than the time evolution of expectation values of operators for the system. This approximation allows us to derive the Lindblad equation, which is a quantum master equation that describes how the system density matrix evolves in time. Finally, we discuss a current example in the literature where the idea of Markovian vs. non-Markovian dynamics has been suggested to play a role in energy transfer. This worksheet uses the Maple Quantum Chemistry Toolbox.

Application Details

Publish Date: March 16, 2022
Created In: Maple 2021
Language: English

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