New Features in Maple 2025 - Technical Computing Software for Engineers, Mathematicians, Scientists, Teachers and Students - Maplesoft
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What's New in Maple 2025
With more math, a new interface, enhanced tools for education and connectivity, and much more, the most powerful and comprehensive environment for exploring, visualizing, and solving even the most difficult math problems is better than ever!
Save 20% if you upgrade to Maple 2025 before Mar. 31!

Maple 2025 Highlights

Maple Has a New Interface!
Modern, dynamic, and reorganized by tasks, the new interface makes it easier to take advantage of the many Maple features accessible through toolbars and menus. Plus, an enhanced equation editor!
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More Math, Faster
The math engine in Maple has been updated in countless ways so that it can solve more problems, faster. By popular request, these enhancements include numerical inverse Laplace transforms, identifying the formula for the nth term of an integer sequence, and radius of convergence of an infinite series.
Same or Different?
Finally, a way to visually compare long, complex expressions!
Making Life Simpler
The simplify command now expresses many expressions containing exponential functions and logarithms even more simply.
Commands Made (Even) Easier
Argument completion now includes user-defined variables in the list of suggestions, making it even simpler to use commands.
Get More Practice
Maple’s Check My Work tools, which help students find mistakes in their fully worked solutions, now offers them the chance to try new questions with similar characteristics.
Step-by-Step Solutions
The step-by-step solutions in Maple have been improved to provide even better worked solutions for integration problems, and now handle even more problems in linear algebra.
Learning ODEs
The Student ODE package, which offers an environment for learning differential equations in the same way they are taught in class, now provides better, more compact solutions and explanations.
Expanded Unit Support
Maple’s facilities for working with units continues to expand, with many more commonly used commands handling units automatically.
Connecting Tools
Maple’s commitment to working smoothly with other tools is strengthened with improvements to code generation and the ability to execute Maple Flow worksheets from Maple.
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PLUS: AI Technology Preview!
Maple 2025 includes a technology preview of a new AI-powered tool we’re working on that gives you a big head start on creating your Maple documents. Tell the AI what you are looking for using the new Worksheet Generation tool, and out comes a Maple document full of text and live math expressions.

This is a technology preview, but we think you will find it useful!
Live Webinars: Introducing Maple 2025
Watch what the new release can do!
Explore the new features

Maple has a new interface! Modern, dynamic, and reorganized by tasks, the new interface makes it easier to take advantage of the many Maple features accessible through toolbars and menus. Plus, an enhanced equation editor, more discoverable hot keys, and more!

Highlights include:

  • A new ribbon interface that makes it easy to discover and use the many Maple features that were previously accessible through toolbars and menus. Refreshed and reorganized, the ribbon content collapses and expands to fit the size of your window to make optimal use of your working space.
  • When entering exponents, fractions, and indexed variables, Maple now predicts cases where you most likely want to return to the baseline, and automatically moves the cursor there for you. In addition, numerous small adjustments create a more seamless 2-D math editing experience, allowing you to focus on your work without unnecessary distractions.
  • Argument completion now includes multiple suggestions involving user-defined variables, when appropriate, making it even simpler to use commands.
  • Pressing the Alt key now shows you all the menu hotkey shortcuts, so you can easily discover and start using these keyboard shortcuts.
  • You can tear a document tab away from the menu bar to open your document in a separate window instead.
  • You can now interactively adjust the column width or row height of a large matrix while browsing through a scrollable matrix.
  • When creating interactive applications, it is now easier to create and modify a dropdown list.
Available on Windows and Linux. Currently available on Mac as a technology preview.

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Advanced Math
Maple 2025 includes a very large number of improvements that strengthen the math engine, expanding Maple’s abilities to handle new areas of mathematics and solve harder problems, faster. In addition to the mathematical improvements described in more detail elsewhere, Maple 2025 improves many fundamental routines that are used regularly both by customers and by other Maple commands, enhances support for a variety of more specialized areas of mathematics, and provides new functionality requested by customers.

Some highlights:

  • Maple 2025 contains a new package for computing with partially ordered sets, also known as posets. Posets arise naturally in many areas of science. Examples of application areas are task scheduling, analysis and transformation of computer programs, polyhedral geometry, topology, and mathematical logic, to name a few.
  • Maple 2025 introduces several important improvements to simplify regarding expressions containing exponential, trigonometric, hyperbolic, and/or inverse trigonometric functions, resulting in more compact results. Other commands in the math library also provide simpler results due to these improvements.
  • Two new commands were added to the SumTools[DefiniteSum] subpackage to test for convergence of an infinite series and find its convergence radius.
  • Many users have requested the ability to simulate transfer functions with no symbolic inverse, so Maple now has a new quadrature method for computing numerical inverse Laplace transforms.
  • The PolyhedralSets package, which provides tools for creating, visualizing, investigating, and computing with polyhedral sets, includes numerous improvements.
  • The new VerifyTools package enables users to extend the testing and verifying of properties that could be done through the verify command with their own custom-defined verifications.
  • The RandomTools:-GenerateSimilar command can produce a new expression that shares characteristics with a given expression.
  • The max and min commands now offer built-in support for units, removing the need to load the Units package first.
  • The fsolve command now accepts its equations, variables, and ranges options in list or vector form.
  • The new command IdentifySequence attempts to find a formula for the arbitrary nth term of a given sequence of integers.
  • The new ValuesUnderConstraints package supports the implementation of algorithms that depend on parameters by facilitating the mechanisms of case discussion.

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Expression Tools
Have you ever tried to compare two large expressions but you couldn't easily see how they differed? The new Expression Tools package enables you to perform a visual comparison of two expressions by highlighting their differences.

  • See at glance how two large expressions differ from each other.
  • Optionally ignore differences that meet a particular criteria, such as differing only by a sign.
  • Customize the way differences are presented to suit your preferences.

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Graph Theory
A substantial effort was put into Graph Theory for Maple 2025, including new commands for graph computation and generation. Improvements include:

  • The new AllSimplePaths command returns an iterator with which one can step through all paths from a given vertex to another vertex in a directed graph.
  • New computation commands are available for finding the longest path of a graph, determining ancestors and descendants of a given vertex, calculating the modularity matrix, and more.
  • New tests identify even more graph properties, such as if a graph is a caterpillar tree, a lobster tree, or platonic.
  • The collection of special graphs supported by the GraphTheory package has been further expanded to include the F26a graph and the Hanoi graph.

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Maple 2025 includes significant advancements in its support for teaching and learning mathematics.

  • The step-by-step solutions in Maple have been improved to provide even better worked solutions for integration problems, especially those involving integration by parts and change of variables. In addition, step-by-step solutions for linear algebra have been expanded to include matrix transpose.
  • Maple’s Check My Work tools, which help students find mistakes in their fully worked solutions for factoring, integration, differentiation, solving equations, and more, now offer students the chance to practice what they’ve learned. The Try Another feature provides new questions to solve that have similar characteristics as the original problem, so students can keep practicing, and keep getting feedback, until they have mastered the technique and feel confident in their abilities.
  • The Student ODE package, which offers an environment for learning differential equations in the same way they are taught in class, now provides better, more compact solutions and explanations.
  • Maple 2025 introduces a major enhancement to the ODEPlot command, which generates direction fields and solution trajectories for systems of two first-order ODEs. Previously, ODEPlot did not support input arguments, so to modify the system or adjust plotting parameters, you had to manually tweak the interactive controls. Now, the ODEPlot command also allows direct input of a custom system via the command line, making it much more convenient to quickly visualize a given system.
  • Maple 2025 includes two new commands for checking if an infinite series converges unconditionally and for finding its radius of convergence.
  • The new IdentifySequence command takes a sequence of integers and attempts to identify the formula that gives the nth term of the sequence

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Build and Share Interactive Content
Maple provides tools for creating documents and interactive applications programmatically. Once you have developed and tested your applications in Maple, you have the choice of sharing them as Maple documents or deploying them to Maple Learn.

  • A new collapsible Section element has been added to the Canvas package. These are helpful for organizing content, and can also be used to hide content that you don't initially want students to see.
  • Enhanced checkboxes can have an action associated with them that is performed when the box is checked or cleared, and can be hidden or revealed in response to an action by the user elsewhere in the application.
  • Canvas-based plots, including plots generated by the Quiz command, now accept width and height parameters.

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Maple’s powerful, comprehensive, highly customizable visualization tools are further strengthened in Maple 2025 across a variety of domains.

  • Plotting lists of x- and y-coordinates of data points with units is now seamless and efficient.
  • You can now provide custom ranges for contour plots generated from a grid of values
  • Matrix plots for sparse matrices are more efficient
  • Visualizations of graphs have been expanded with the addition of the F26A graph to the special graphs collection.
  • The ODEPlot command, which generates explorations of systems of two first-orderODEs using direction fields and solution trajectories, now allows direct input of a custom system via the command line as well as interactive input.

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Maple provides a state-of-the-art environment for algebraic computations in physics, with emphasis on ensuring that the computational experience is as natural as possible. Maple 2025 provides significant enhancements regarding functional differentiation, in flat and curved spacetimes, including an extension of the algorithms to simplify tensorial expressions in curved spaces. Other areas of improvement include the consolidation of functionality introduced in previous releases, and the speeding up of several key internal operations.

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Maple Quantum Chemistry Toolbox
The Maple Quantum Chemistry Toolbox from RDMChem, a separate add-on product to Maple, is a powerful environment for the computation and visualization of the electronic structure of molecules. In Maple 2025, this toolbox has significant new features and enhancements that enable:

  • Talking about molecular science with an updated AI-powered command, Chat, that now supports entire conversations
  • Treating strong correlation in your density functional theory (DFT) calculations through an improved and faster generalized DFT algorithm
  • Computing molecules with newly added basis sets
  • Localizing molecular orbitals to analyze electron density and chemical bonding
  • Obtaining atomic orbital integrals for both energies and properties
  • Learning about quantum computing through a new lesson based on the Toolbox's symbolic quantum computing subpackage
  • Experiencing additional enhancements and improvements throughout the Toolbox

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Maple users have access to the same powerful programming language that much of the Maple math library itself is written in. Some of the programming language updates in Maple 2025 include:

  • You can now make an assignment with a Vector on the left-hand side and a Vector of the same size on the right-hand side, which results in element-wise assignment.
  • The sort command was overhauled in Maple 2025, with many improvements to power, speed, and usability, including:
    • A new general comparison algorithm that is especially useful when comparing mixed types
    • Improved efficiency when using custom comparison functions
    • You can now pass through additional arguments to the comparison function
    • The lexorder and lexorder[n] sorting methods now work with indexed names
    • New ascending and descending options
    • Handling of sets has been changed to reduce accidental misuse of the results
  • The new MathML:-FromLatex command converts a LaTeX expression to MathML, and optionally further processes it into a Maple expression.

and more!

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  • Maple 2025 uses a new compact representation of double-precision hardware floats, resulting in significant memory saving and performance improvements for these computations.
  • The new Bits:-Popcount command tells you how many bits in the binary representation of a nonnegative integer are 1s, and computes the answer orders of magnitude more efficiently than previously available methods.
  • A new setting can be used to cause built-in special functions with integer constant arguments, such as sin(2) or sqrt(3), to be evaluated to hardware floating-point results instead of remaining as an exact symbolic representation. This setting can improve performance when the final result is expected to be numeric.
  • Array output from dsolve when solving numeric IVP and DAE problems allows for highly efficient solutions of parameterized problems.
  • A new implementation of the projection algorithm in PolyhedralSets is up to several hundred times faster.
  • In the Hypergraphs package, which deals with a generalization of graphs where the "edges" can contain an arbitrary number of vertices, the computation of the transversal of a hypergraph is significantly faster.

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Improvements include:

  • Maple can now execute Maple Flow documents. You can pass in parameter values and receive the results of the calculations contained in the Maple Flow document. Maple Flow, a separate Maplesoft product designed specifically for engineering calculations, does not need to be installed in order to use this feature.
  • The CodeGeneration translators in Maple can now work directly on code found in embedded components and worksheets.
  • You can now convert a Markdown document into a Maple workshee

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AI Generated Documents
Maple 2025 includes a technology preview of a new AI-powered tool we’re working on that gives you a big head start on creating your Maple documents. Tell the AI what you are looking for using the new Worksheet Generation tool, and out comes a Maple document full of text and live math expressions.

This is a technology preview, but we think you will find it useful!

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But that’s not all!
But that’s not all!
If you aren’t at Maple 2024 already, upgrading to Maple 2025 will also get you all the great improvements from the intervening releases. Here’s a sampling of improvements that could be of interest no matter what kind of math you do:
  • Argument completion that helps you call even unfamiliar commands correctly on the first try, without having to consult the help pages to get the right arguments in the right order. Just enter the command with the help of command completion, then automatic argument completion takes over to guide you through the rest. (Maple 2024)
  • The Maple Help Browser now opens each help page in a separate tab, so you can have more than one help page open at the same time and flip between them easily. (Maple 2023)
  • Plots that handle discontinuities without being told (yes, tan(x) now looks right by default – no more vertical lines! (Maple 2022, Maple 2024)
  • Improvements to simplify provide simpler, more readable forms of many expressions (Maple 2024)
  • Massively improved printing and document export, including PDF export (Maple 2020), LaTeX export (Maple 2021), and a Layout Mode so you don’t need to keep consulting Print Preview over and over again (Maple 2022)
  • Improvements to units handling, such as support for units in plot commands, in many more computation commands, and ever faster, more memory-efficient computations (Maple 2022, Maple 2023, Maple 2024)
  • Check My Work analyzes each step of a student’s fully worked solution and helps them identify where they went wrong (Maple 2024)

See what else you’re missing by checking out the What’s New for the versions that came after yours.

We’re More than Just Maple
Did you know? In addition to Maple, Maplesoft offers a variety of complementary online, mobile, and desktop solutions for teaching and learning math and increasing student success rates.