Maple Player - Maplesoft
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Maple Player

Maple Player

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Maple Player

The Maple Player is a free application that lets you view and even interact with Maple documents to solve problems, visualize solutions, and explore concepts when you don’t have Maple. Its primary purpose is to allow you to view documents from colleagues or to sample the vast collection of Maple documents available from Maplesoft and the Maple community in the Application Center, the Teacher Resource Center, Maple Primes, The Maple Player can also be used as an alternative method for viewing MapleCloud documents, which can also be accessed using a web browser. Within technical organizations, you can use the Maple Player as a free deployment option for sharing Maple-based solutions internally, for those organizations who do not want to put their content into a private group on the MapleCloud server.

Want to make your Maple documents accessible to students or colleagues who do not have Maple? If you put your documents in the MapleCloud, they will be accessible to whoever you choose, using only a web browser! Learn more

With the free Maple Player, you can:

  • Use interactive Maple applications to perform computations and visualize results.
  • View any Maple document, regardless of author or source.
  • Easily access the collection of interactive Math Apps available through built-in access to the MapleCloud. (You can also access MapleCloud content through a web browser.)

Perform any operation that uses interactive components, including entering mathematical expressions, moving sliders, playing videos, and rotating plots, with limitations only on the number of characters that can be entered.

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Tips on using the Maple Player

How do I Enter Mathematical Expressions?
Some Maple Player applications ask you to enter mathematical expressions in a math entry box. Entering mathematical expressions in the Maple Player is similar to using the 2-D mathematics editor in Maple. In general, enter your expressions using standard calculator-style notation. Formatting happens automatically as you type. For example:

To enter Description:, type sin(x) / x^2.

To enter Description:, type exp(1/x).

To enter Description:, type sqrt(x).

Use the right-arrow key (→) to move the cursor from the exponent position or denominator position.

To enter  Description: , type 1/x → + x^2 → + 1

Other operations are entered using the function or symbol name.
The chart below gives the most commonly used operations.

 Operation  How to Enter It

Exponent ^ (caret)

Multiplication Description:

Fraction /

Description: Pi

Description: infinity

Description: exp(x)

Description: sqrt(x)

Description: a^(1/n)

Description: log10(x)

Description: log[b](x)

What are the abilities and limitations of the Maple Player?
The free Maple Player has the full power of the Maple mathematical engine behind it, but is not a full version of Maple. 

You can use the Maple Player to:

  • Open any Maple document and view its contents.
  • Interact with applications that make use of embedded components, such as sliders, buttons, and math entry boxes. Maple will perform the computations and display updated results and visualizations.
  • Open documents from the MapleCloud, including content in public groups, the Math Apps group, and any private groups of which you are a member.

You cannot use the Maple Player to:

  • Create new documents.
  • Modify documents, except those changes that are a result of using the interactive components in the document (for example, moving a slider to update a plot or entering a new value in a text box to change a parameter).
  • Enter arbitrarily large expressions into text boxes and math entry boxes.  There are limitations on the size of expressions that can be entered.

If you wish to do any of these things, you will need to purchase the full version of Maple.

I already have Maple. Do I need the Maple Player?
If you already have the latest version of Maple installed, you do not need the Maple Player. Maple can do everything the Player can do, and more.

I have an earlier version of Maple. Can I use the Maple Player to view more recent content?
Yes.  If you do not have the most recent version of Maple installed, you may experience problems with some content, as it may require functionality that was not yet available in your version of Maple. If this happens, you can upgrade your Maple installation or download and install the Maple Player. You will need to start the Maple Player first and then open the documents from the File menu, to prevent Maple from launching automatically when you double-click the file icon.

Will the Maple Player run on my computer?
The Maple Player is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. It has the same system requirements as Maple on those platforms.

Is the Maple Player time limited?
When you install the Maple Player, you will notice a message indicating that it will expire, so yes, the specific version you are installing has an expiry date. However, a new version will be released prior to the expiry date, which will extend the time period.

My license is about to expire/has expired. What should I do?
The Maple Player is time limited, but you can renew your license by installing a new version of the Maple Player. The new version extends your license and provides you with all the improvements that have been made to the Maple Player since you last downloaded it.

To install a new version of the Maple Player, download and install the latest Maple Player using the download button at the top of this page.