Maple offers an extensive suite of visualization tools, including over 160 types of 2-D and 3-D plots as well as an interactive plot assistant which offers instant access to plot types that are applicable to your expression or data.
Many improvements have gone into Maple 15 in order to make visualizations more compelling and easier to realize.
Automatic Defaults for Trigonometric Plots
When plotting trigonometric functions, Maple now automatically uses multiples of π by default in both ranges and tickmarks.

Maple's interactive plot assistant, which allows you quickly generate complex plots with a few mouse clicks, has also been enhanced to take advantage of these improvements for trigonometric functions.

Animation Backgrounds and Traces
Multiple plots can now be used as a static background in animations.
In addition, Maple 15 now allows further control when specifying traces for an animation.

Extracting Data from a Plot
Maple 15 makes it possible to extract the actual data from any plot:

Visualizing Differential Equations
With Maple, you can visualize solutions to differential equations in 2-D and 3-D. In Maple 15, the DEplot3d command in the DEtools package has been enhanced with the addition of 3-D field arrows and the ability to animate either curves, arrows, or both.
