MapleSim Explorer - Maplesoft MapleSim Server
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Get more out of your MapleSim models!

The MapleSim Explorer provides a cost-effective deployment solution that enables you to make your MapleSim models available to more people in your organization. With the MapleSim Explorer, you can make the knowledge embedded in your MapleSim models available to other engineers to support their decision making. As a result, you can avoid overloading your modeling experts with requests that do not require modeling expertise, while still getting the answers your organization needs.

  • Run simulations of any MapleSim model
  • Change model parameters
  • Investigate and plot any model variables
  • View 2-D simulation results and 3-D simulation animations
  • Compare simulation runs and analyze the effects of parameter changes using the MapleSim Results Manager
  • View the model diagram, default parameter values, and component definitions
  • Analyze the model using MapleSim Apps, such as Parameter Sweep, Optimization, and Monte Carlo
The MapleSim Explorer is a complementary deployment solution to the MapleSim Server, which provides access to interactive applications based on MapleSim models through a web browser.
interactive applications

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