Consider the following expression.
Consider this PDE, out of the scope of pdsolve in Maple 2015 and its previous releases
| (1) |
This PDE depends on explicitly, not just through its derivatives with respect to and . In Maple 2016 this PDE is solved by first transforming it into another one missing the dependent variable using ToMissingDependentVariable
| (2) |
The returned PDE is within the scope of pdsolve in all Maple releases
| (3) |
Equate the right-hand-side to a constant and you have the solution of the PDE (1) passed to ToMissingDependentVariable
| (4) |
As seen above, the solution for the original dependent variable () appears in implicit form. This solution can frequently be made explicit by just solving for the dependent variable, using solve or isolate
| (6) |