Viewing Arrays, Matrices, and Vectors - Maple Help
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Browse Matrix: Viewing Arrays, Matrices, or Vectors


Use the Browse Matrix dialog to view large 1-D or 2-D Arrays, Matrices, or Vectors, or to display cross-sectional views of large multi-dimensional Arrays.


By default, large Arrays, Vectors, Matrices, or higher dimensional rtables are displayed using a summary format. For example,



You can browse the entries directly in the document (see Scrollable Matrices).


You can also use the Browse Matrix tool to view the contents, interact with it, and export the data.


To launch the Browse Matrix dialog, double-click the object, that is, the summary format.


The Browse Matrix dialog has three tabs: Table, Image, and Options.





Inserting the Image into the Worksheet

Exporting Data to Excel(R)

Setting the Maximum Dimension for Inline Display of Arrays, Matrices, and Vectors




The default view for these objects is a spreadsheet representation. To edit table entries, double-click a cell. One dimensional tables are displayed as a single column, independent of whether the underlying object is a row or column vector.



Arrays that are two or higher dimensions can be displayed as an image.



The default zoom setting is Scale to fit. Zoom factors of 1 to 4 times can be selected.



Two styles of display are possible: Magnitude or Structure. The Magnitude display option sets image color in each pixel based on the relative magnitude of the element in the corresponding array position. The Structure display option indicates zero versus nonzero elements. With either view, a coarse image is displayed initially for large matrices. The coarse view is later refined to show more detail.



The following color scales are available:


Grayscale - black and white


Hue - red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, magenta


Hot - black, red, orange, yellow, white


Cool - white, cyan, blue, black



For multi-dimensional Arrays, you can change the view so that different dimensions are assigned to the horizontal and vertical axes.


An Options tab is selectable for two-dimensional and higher Arrays. By default, the first dimension is displayed vertically and the second dimension  is displayed horizontally. All other dimensions have a fixed value, which is initialized to the minimum value for the dimension. To assign dimensions, select the Row or Column check box.


For 2-D Arrays, the Fixed column is not displayed. To change the value of a fixed dimension for a multi-dimensional Array, enter the value in the Fixed column.

Inserting the Image into the Worksheet


To insert the image view into the worksheet, click the Insert button. The image is inserted after the execution group containing the array.

Exporting Data to Excel(R)


You can export data from Maple to an Excel spreadsheet.


Click the Export button in the Browse Matrix. The Export to Excel dialog opens.


Select the spreadsheet to which to export data by clicking the Browse button.


Select the Sheet Name: Sheet 1, 2, or 3.


(Optional) Enter the spreadsheet cell into which to enter the data. By default, the data is loaded starting in cell A1.


Click OK. The dialog closes. Click Done to close the Browse Matrix.

Setting the Maximum Dimension for Inline Display of Arrays, Matrices, and Vectors


By default, rtables (such as Arrays, Matrices, and Vectors) that have dimensions of 10 or less are displayed inline.  To change this setting, use the interface command to set the rtablesize variable. For example, interface(rtablesize=15) changes the maximum dimension displayed inline to 15.  See interface for more information.


Note: In the Command-Line version, the default is 25.



Due to the way that rtables are stored and modified in Maple, when using the Matrix Browser you will get the current value of that structure, rather than the value of the structure at the time it was printed.


References to Matrices and other rtable objects may be lost after a restart. In that case, the commands to generate a large Matrix must be re-executed before the Matrix Browser is available for inspecting the contents of the Matrix.

See Also






Scrollable Matrices



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