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 Student[LinearAlgebra] Examples


Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors


Tools≻Load Package: Student Linear Algebra

Loading Student:-LinearAlgebra

Example 1: Diagonalize a Matrix

Diagonalize A=11216 by finding and applying an appropriate transition matrix P.

Data entry


Control-drag the matrix.
Context Panel: Assign to a Name≻A

11216assign to a nameA

Obtain the transition matrix P, whose columns are the eigenvectors of A 


Write the name A.
Context Panel: Evaluate and Display Inline


Context Panel: Student Linear Algebra≻Eigenvalues, etc≻Eigenvectors


Context Panel: Select Element≻2


Context Panel: Assign to a Name≻P

A = −1−1216eigenvectors32,−3−411select entry 2−3−411assign to a nameP

Diagonalize A by applying P 


Write the appropriate product of matrices.  Use dot (period) for matrix multiplication.
Context Panel: Evaluate and Display Inline

P1.A.P = 3002

Example 2: Singular Values of a Matrix

Obtain the singular values of A=11216, and verify the results from first principles

Data entry


Control-drag the matrix.
Context Panel: Assign to a Name≻A

11216assign to a nameA

Obtain the singular values


Write the name A.
Context Panel: Evaluate and Display Inline


Context Panel: Student Linear Algebra≻Eigenvalues, etc≻Singular Values

A = −1−1216singular values1942+170219421702

From first principles


Enter the product of the transpose of A with A.
Context Panel: Evaluate and Display Inline


Context Panel: Student Linear Algebra≻Eigenvalues, etc≻Eigenvalues


Context Panel: Assign to a Name≻V

A%T.A = 21818180eigenvalues91+8245918245assign to a nameV


Expression palette: square-root operator
Apply to each component of the vector V, whose components are the eigenvalues of ATA

V1 = 1942+1702

V2 = 19421702

Example 3: Jordan Form

Obtain a transition matrix that puts A= 5544857117 into Jordan form.

Maple can return the required transition matrix. The calculations below proceed from first principles.



Context Panel: Assign to a Name≻A

5544857117assign to a nameA


Context Panel: Student Linear Algebra≻
Solvers and Forms≻Jordan Form

(Consequently, there is one chain of length 3 corresponding to the eigenvalue 2.)

5544857117Jordan form210021002

Obtain the null spaces of C=A2 I  and C2


Context Panel: Assign to a Name≻C


(Note that Maple tolerates A2 as a short form of A2 I, where I is the identity matrix.)

A2 = 3−5−4−4657−11−9assign to a nameC


Context Panel: Evaluate and Display Inline
Context Panel: Student Linear Algebra≻Vector Spaces≻Null Space

C = 3−5−4−4657−11−9null space12121

C2 = 1−1−1−1112−2−2null space101,110

Select a vector in ℝ3 that is not in the null space of C2 and verify this choice


Context Panel: Assign to a Name≻b[3]

1,0,0assign to a nameb3


Context Panel: Student Linear Algebra≻
Standard Operations≻Determinant


(Non-vanishing of the determinant shows b3 is not a member of the null space of C2)


Construct the remaining members of the one chain of linearly independent generalized eigenvectors


Context Panel: Evaluate and Display Inline
Context Panel: Assign to a Name≻b[2]

C.b3 = 3−47assign to a nameb2


Context Panel: Evaluate and Display Inline
Context Panel: Assign to a Name≻b[1]


(Note that b1 is an eigenvector.)

C.b2 = 1−12assign to a nameb1

Construct the transition matrix whose columns are the vectors b1,b2,b3 


Context Panel: Evaluate and Display inline


Context Panel: Select Elements≻Combine into Matrix


Context Panel: Assign to a Name≻Q 

b1,b2,b3 = 1−12,3−47,100combine into Matrix131−1−40270assign to a nameQ

Verify that Q puts A into Jordan form


Context Panel: Evaluate and Display Inline

Q1.A.Q = 210021002

Solution of Linear Systems


Tools≻Load Package: Student Linear Algebra

Loading Student:-LinearAlgebra

Example 1: Solve a Completely Determined Linear System

Solve the completely determined system consisting of the equations

x+y+z=1,xy2 z=3,5 x+2 y7 z=9 

Simply solve the equations


Control-drag the equations.
Context Panel: Solve≻Solve

x+y+z=1,xy2 z=3,5 x+2 y7 z=9solvex=2915,y=45,z=215

Convert to a linear system


Control-drag the equations.


Context Panel: Student Linear Algebra≻
Constructions≻Generate Matrix≻Augmented
(Complete dialog as per Figure 1.)


Context Panel: Student Linear Algebra≻
Solvers and Forms≻Linear Solve

Figure 1

x+y+z=1,xy2 z=3,5 x+2 y7 z=9to Matrix form11111−1−2352−79linear solve291545215

Example 2: Least-Squares Solution of an Overdetermined System

Obtain a least-squares solution to the overdetermined system consisting of the equations

x+y+z=1,xy2 z=3,5 x+2 y7 z=9,3 x7 y+9 z=4 


Control-drag the equations and press the Enter key.


Context Panel: Student Linear Algebra≻Constructions≻Generate Matrix≻Matrix-Vector pair
(Complete dialog as per Figure 1, in Example 1.)


Context Panel: Student Linear Algebra≻Solvers and Forms≻Least Squares

x+y+z=1,xy2 z=3,5 x+2 y7 z=9,3 x7 y+9 z=4


to Matrix form


least squares


Example 3: Minimum-Norm Least-Squares

Obtain the minimum-norm least-squares solution of the system 7051015191081114691x=1234.

Obtain the minimum-norm least-squares solution


Control-drag the system, editing it to a sequence of matrix and vector.


Context Panel: Student Linear Algebra≻Solvers and Forms≻Least Squares
Check the "Optimized" box in the "Specify options for Least Squares" dialog

7051015191081114691,1234least squares10341751105434375552698175110184737555

Work from first principles: obtain the general solution and minimize its norm:

Obtain the general solution


Control-drag the system, editing it to a sequence of matrix and vector.


Context Panel: Student Linear Algebra≻Solvers and Forms≻Least Squares
Free-Variable Name≻s 


Context Panel: Evaluate at a Point≻s


Context Panel: Assign to a Name≻X

7051015191081114691,1234least squaress13s1+1395187s15+357464757s15+313312950evaluate at points3s+1395187s5+357464757s5+313312950assign to a nameX

Obtain the norm and minimize it


Write the name X and press the Enter key.


Context Panel: Student Linear Algebra≻Standard Operations≻Norm≻Euclidean


Context Panel: Differentiate≻With Respect To≻s


Context Panel: Conversions≻Equate to 0 (This step is optional.)


Context Panel: Solve≻Solve


Context Panel: Assign to a Name≻S 





differentiate w.r.t. s


equate to 0




assign to a name



Expression palette: Evaluation template
Evaluate X at the solution in S



Context Panel: Evaluate and Display Inline


Xx=a|f(x)S = 10341751105434375552698175110184737555

Example 4: Stepwise Row Reduction and Back-Substitution

If the linear system Ax=y is expressed by the augmented matrix 562343311102, row-reduce to upper triangular form and solve for x.


Control-drag the matrix.
Context Panel: Student Linear Algebra≻
Standard Operations≻Row-Reduced Form



Context Panel: Select Elements≻Restrict Columns
(Complete dialog as per Figure 2. The return is then a vector and not a one-column matrix.)

Figure 2

 562343311102row-reduced form100594701035470012847restrict columns594735472847

Stepwise row reduction can be done via the Context Panel system, as per Figure 3.


Figure 3   Elementary row operations via the Context Panel system

The elementary row operations are also available in two tutors that can be accessed from the Context Panel (Student Linear Algebra > Tutors) . These are the Gaussian Elimination and Gauss-Jordan Elimination tutors..

Matrix Factorizations


Tools≻Load Package: Student Linear Algebra

Loading Student:-LinearAlgebra

Example 1: LU Decomposition

Obtain the LU decomposition of the matrix 165224526.


Control-drag the given matrix.
Context Panel: Student Linear Algebra≻Solvers and Forms≻LU Decomposition

 165224526LU decomposition100010001,100−2105−21,1650141400−3

The returned matrices are P,L,U, with P being the matrix that tracks permutations of the rows; L being the unit lower triangular factor; and U being the upper triangular factor. By default, Maple returns the Doolittle, not the Crout, factorization.


Example 2: QR Decomposition

Obtain the QR decomposition of the matrix 165224526.


Control-drag the given matrix.
Context Panel: Student Linear Algebra≻Solvers and Forms≻QR Decomposition

165224526QR decomposition30302556630155563306066,3023051130100145514550062

Example 3: Singular-Value Decomposition

Obtain the singular-value decomposition of the matrix 165224526.


Control-drag the given matrix.
Context Panel: Student Linear Algebra≻Solvers and Forms≻Singular Value Decomposition≻Singular Value Decomposition (U,S,Vt)

165224526singular value decomposition (U,S,Vt)0.5988918686−0.7180631732−0.35456142980.4864104839−0.025556623020.8733565706−0.6361865833−0.69550854560.3339678021,10.008749777.1046510340.5906452392,−0.35517543160.32909195430.8749565122−0.5833492223−0.80940067990.06763300640−0.73044787460.4863836187−0.4794547714

The return consists of the factor U, the vector of singular values, and the transpose of the factor V. If S is a diagonal matrix whose diagonal elements are the singular values, then A=U S VT.




Tools≻Load Package: Student Linear Algebra

Loading Student:-LinearAlgebra

Example 1: Positive Definite Matrix

Is the symmetric matrix 741453136 positive definite?


Control-drag the given matrix.
Context Panel: Student Linear Algebra≻Queries≻
Is Definite?≻Positive Definite?

741453136is positive definite?true

Typically, definiteness is assigned to bilinear forms xTAx derived from the symmetric matrix A. If A is not symmetric, the associated bilinear form can be represented by xTBx, where B=A+AT/2, the "symmetric part of A" is symmetric. Hence, Maple assigns definiteness to the symmetric part of a nonsymmetric matrix on the grounds that the matrix represents a bilinear form.

Example 2: Similar Matrices

Show that the matrices A=522341428 and B=1515302334111433219159311427 are similar by finding a  matrix C for which C A=B C.


Write the sequence of matrices A and B
Context Panel: Student Linear Algebra≻Queries≻Similar?


Context Panel: Select Element≻2


Context Panel: Assign to a Name≻C

522341428,1515302334111433219159311427is similar?true,10048658152211153352211110713480743167305221119852211130011044222select entry 210048658152211153352211110713480743167305221119852211130011044222assign to a nameC

Data entry


Control-drag each matrix.
Context Panel: Assign to a Name≻A (or B, as appropriate)

522341428assign to a nameA

1515302334111433219159311427assign to a nameB

Test for similarity and find C 


Write a sequence of the names A and B, then press the Enter key.


Context Panel: Student Linear Algebra≻Queries≻Is Similar?


Context Panel: Select Element≻2


Context Panel: Assign to a Name≻C 



is similar?


select entry 2


assign to a name


Verify similarity


Context Panel: Evaluate and Display Inline

C.A = −5−2−224280785221113261691740379854815221111577354522111212023174037645562522111

B.C = −5−2−224280785221113261691740379854815221111577354522111212023174037645562522111

Example 3: Orthogonal Matrix

Construct a (nontrivial) 3×3 orthogonal matrix.


Enter a list of three linearly independent vectors and press the Enter key.


Context Panel: Student Linear Algebra≻Vector Spaces≻Gram-Schmidt≻normalized


Context Panel: Select Elements≻Combine into Matrix


Context Panel: Assign to a Name≻Q 



Gram-Schmidt (normalized)


combine into Matrix


assign to a name


Verify that Q is an orthogonal matrix


Write the name Q
Context Panel: Evaluate and Display Inline


Context Panel: Student Linear Algebra≻Queries≻Orthogonal?

Q = 453531331831866535353181596365353731831866is orthogonal?true

An alternative verification consists in showing that QTQ=QQT=I, thereby confirming that the rows (and columns) of Q are sets of orthonormal vectors.


Q%T.Q = 100010001

Q.Q%T = 100010001

Vector Spaces


Tools≻Load Package: Student Linear Algebra

Loading Student:-LinearAlgebra

Example 1: Four Fundamental Subspaces of a 5×3

Find the row space, column space, null space, and null space of the transpose for the matrix




(Gilbert Strang of MIT calls these the four fundamental subspaces of A.)

The 5×3 matrix A maps ℝ3 to ℝ5. Maple provides bases for each of the four fundamental subspaces.

The row and null spaces of A are orthogonal subspaces of ℝ3; the column space of A and the null space of AT are orthogonal subspaces in ℝ5. Figure 4 illustrates the relationships between these four subspaces.


Figure 4   The four fundamental subspaces of A

Data entry


Control-drag (or copy/paste) the given matrix.
Context Panel: Assign to a Name≻A 

 328440105328482172189assign to a nameA

Row space of A


Write the name A
Context Panel: Evaluate and Display Inline


Context Panel: Student Linear Algebra≻Vector Spaces≻Row Space

A = 32−8−4−40105−32848−2−172−18−9row space11418

Column space of A 


Write the name A
Context Panel: Evaluate and Display Inline


Context Panel: Student Linear Algebra≻Vector Spaces≻Column Space

A = 32−8−4−40105−32848−2−172−18−9column space154−11494

Null space of A 


Write the name A
Context Panel: Evaluate and Display Inline


Context Panel: Student Linear Algebra≻Vector Spaces≻Null Space

A = 32−8−4−40105−32848−2−172−18−9null space1801,1410

Null space of AT 


Write the notation for the transpose of A
Context Panel: Evaluate and Display Inline


Context Panel: Student Linear Algebra≻Vector Spaces≻Null Space

A%T = 32−40−32872−8108−2−18−454−1−9null space940001,140010,10100,541000

Example 2: Four Fundamental Subspaces of a 4×5

Find the row space, column space, null space, and null space of the transpose for the matrix




(Gilbert Strang of MIT calls these the four fundamental subspaces of A.)

The 4×5 matrix A maps ℝ5 to ℝ4. Maple provides bases for each of the four fundamental subspaces.

The row and null spaces of A are orthogonal subspaces of ℝ5; the column space of A and the null space of AT are orthogonal subspaces in ℝ4. Figure 5 illustrates the relationships between these four subspaces.


Figure 5   The four fundamental subspaces of A


Data entry


Control-drag (or copy/paste) the given matrix.
Context Panel: Assign to a Name≻A 

5042620208137372447432926252131010assign to a nameA

Row space of A


Write the name A
Context Panel: Evaluate and Display Inline


Context Panel: Student Linear Algebra≻Vector Spaces≻Row Space

A = 5042−6−2020−8−1−3737−244743−2926−25−21310−10row space10601159113811,01731165114011

Column space of A 


Write the name A
Context Panel: Evaluate and Display Inline


Context Panel: Student Linear Algebra≻Vector Spaces≻Column Space

A = 5042−6−2020−8−1−3737−244743−2926−25−21310−10column space10272612,018130

Null space of A 


Write the name A
Context Panel: Evaluate and Display Inline


Context Panel: Student Linear Algebra≻Vector Spaces≻Null Space

A = 5042−6−2020−8−1−3737−244743−2926−25−21310−10null space38114011001,59116511010,60117311100

Null space of AT 


Write the notation for the transpose of A
Context Panel: Evaluate and Display Inline


Context Panel: Student Linear Algebra≻Vector Spaces≻Null Space

A%T = 50−847−2542−143−21−6−37−293−203721020−246−10null space12001,272681310

Special Matrices


Tools≻Load Package: Student Linear Algebra

Loading Student:-LinearAlgebra

Example 1: Inverse by Adjoint

Divide the adjoint of A=921541462 by the determinant of A, and show that the resulting matrix is A1, the multiplicative inverse of A.

Data entry


Control-drag the matrix A.
Context Panel: Assign to a Name≻A

921541462assign to a nameA

Obtain the determinant of A


Write the name A
Context Panel: Evaluate and Display Inline


Context Panel: Student Linear Algebra≻
Standard Operations≻Determinant

A = 921−5−4146−2determinant−8

Obtain the adjoint of A


Write the name A
Context Panel: Evaluate and Display Inline


Context Panel: Student Linear Algebra≻Standard Operations≻Adjoint


Context Panel: Assign to a Name≻adjA

A = 921−5−4146−2adjoint2106−6−22−14−14−46−26assign to a nameadjA

Divide the adjoint by the determinant


Context Panel: Evaluate and Display Inline

adjA8 = 145434341147474234134

Obtain A1, the multiplicative inverse of A 


Write the name A
Context Panel: Evaluate and Display Inline


Context Panel: Student Linear Algebra≻
Standard Operations≻Inverse

A = 921−5−4146−2inverse145434341147474234134

Example 2: Reflection Matrix (across a Line)

Obtain a matrix that reflects vectors in ℝ2 across the line y=x/3.


The red dashed line line in Figure 6 is the graph of y=x/3. The green vector, 3 i+j, is along this line.



The gold vector, i+3 j, is orthogonal to the line y=x/3.



The black vector, 2 i+2 j, is an arbitrary vector in ℝ2. Its reflection across the line y=x/3 is the red vector.



The reflection matrix is constructed from the gold vector, that is, from a vector orthogonal to the "mirror" across which reflection is to take place.

Figure 6 

Construct the rotation matrix


On a vector orthogonal to the line of reflection:
Context Panel: Evaluate and Display Inline


Context Panel: Student Linear Algebra≻Constructions≻Reflection Matrix


Context Panel: Assign to a Name≻R 

1,3 = −13reflection matrix45353545assign to a nameR

Test the rotation matrix


Write sequences of two vectors (black & green, red & green, in Figure 6); press the Enter key.


Context Panel: Student Linear Algebra≻Standard Operations≻Vector Angle



angle between




angle between


Example 3: Reflection Matrix (across a Plane)

Obtain a matrix that reflects vectors in ℝ3 across the plane x+2 y+3 z=0.


Figure 7 shows the plane across which reflections are to take place. In addition, N, the black vector in the figure, is a normal to the plane.



The red vector, V=i+j+k, is an arbitrary vector in ℝ3.



The green vector is RV, the reflection of V across the given plane, where R is the requisite reflection matrix.


The angles between V and N and RV and -N should be equal if RV is the reflection of V across the plane.

use plots, Student:-VectorCalculus, Student:-LinearAlgebra in
local p1,p2,p3,R,N,V;
end module:
end use:


Figure 7

Construct the rotation matrix


On a vector orthogonal to the plane:
Context Panel: Evaluate and Display Inline


Context Panel: Student Linear Algebra≻Constructions≻Reflection Matrix


Context Panel: Assign to a Name≻R 

1&comma;2&comma;3 = 123reflection matrix672737273767376727assign to a nameR

Test the rotation matrix


Write sequences of two vectors (V and N, RV and -N, in Figure 7); press the Enter key.


Context Panel: Student Linear Algebra≻Standard Operations≻Vector Angle



angle between




angle between


Example 4: Rotation Matrix

Rotate the vector V&equals;ij&plus;2 k through an angle of &pi;&sol;6 radians about the line x&equals;t&comma;y&equals;2 t&comma;z&equals;3 t.


In Figure 8, the black vector, i&plus;2 j&plus;3 k, is along the axis of rotation, shown as the dashed red line.



In Figure 8, the red vector is V&equals;ij&plus;2 k; its &pi;&sol;6 rotation about the axis of rotation, is the green vector.

use plots, Student:-VectorCalculus, Student:-LinearAlgebra in
local p1,p2,p3,V,N,R;
end module:
end use:


Figure 8

Construct the requisite rotation matrix


Write a sequence of the rotation angle and a vector along the axis of rotation; press the Enter key.


Context Panel: Student Linear Algebra≻Constructions≻Rotation Matrix



rotation matrix


Matrix Operators


Tools≻Load Package: Student Linear Algebra

Loading Student:-LinearAlgebra

Example 1: Matrix Norm Subordinate to Vector Norm

Obtain the Euclidean norm of the matrix A&equals;1231 and show that it is the maximum value of the Euclidean norm of the vector Av, where v is a unit vector.

Obtain the Euclidean norm of A


Control-drag the matrix A
Context Panel: Student Linear Algebra≻Standard Operations≻Norm≻Euclidean


Context Panel: Simplify≻Simplify

1231Euclidean-norm152+292&equals; simplify 292+12

Obtain the norm of Ax, where x is a unit vector


Write A times a unit vector and press the Enter key.


Context Panel: Student Linear Algebra≻Standard Operations≻Norm≻Euclidean


Context Panel: Simplify≻Simplify


Context Panel: Assign to a Name≻f 





&equals; simplify


assign to a name


Maximize the norm of Ax 


Write f and press the Enter key.


Context Panel: Differentiate≻With Respect To≻x


Context Panel: Conversions≻Equate to 0 (This step is optional.)


Context Panel: Solve≻Solve


Context Panel: Assign to a Name≻S



differentiate w.r.t. x


equate to 0




assign to a name


Evaluate f&equals;Ax at each critical value of x 


Expression palette: Evaluation template
Evaluate at each of the two critical values.


Context Panel: Evaluate and Display Inline


Context Panel: Simplify≻Simplify

fx&equals;a|f(x)S1 = 15225295816822902912+5295829&equals; simplify 12+292

fx&equals;a|f(x)S2 = 152+252958+1682+29029125295829&equals; simplify 292+12

Example 2: Matrix Norm and Singular Values

Show that the Euclidean norm of the matrix A&equals;1231 is the largest singular value of A, and the square root of the largest eigenvalue of ATA.

From Example 1:

Obtain the Euclidean norm of A


Control-drag the matrix A
Context Panel: Student Linear Algebra≻Standard Operations≻Norm≻Euclidean


Context Panel: Simplify≻Simplify

1231Euclidean-norm152+292&equals; simplify 292+12


Obtain the singular values of A


Control-drag the matrix A
Context Panel: Student Linear Algebra≻
Eigenvalues, etc≻Singular Values

1231singular values292+1212+292

Obtain the eigenvalues of ATA 


Write the product AT&period;A.
Context Panel: Evaluate and Display Inline


Context Panel: Student Linear Algebra≻Eigenvalues, etc≻Eigenvalues

1231%T&period;1231 = 10−1−15eigenvalues152+292152292


Control-drag the larger of the two eigenvalues.


Select, and click a in the Expression palette


Context Panel: Evaluate and Display Inline

152&plus;1229 = 292+12

Vectors and Vector Operators


Tools≻Load Package: Student Linear Algebra

Loading Student:-LinearAlgebra

Example 1: Vector Angle, Dot and Cross Products

Determine the angle between the vectors u&equals;i&plus;2 j&plus;3 k and v&equals;3 i7 j&plus;5 k, then obtain their dot and cross products.

Data entry


Context Panel: Assign to a Name≻u and v, as appropriate

1&comma;2&comma;3assign to a nameu

3&comma;7&comma;5assign to a namev

Determine the angle between u and v


Context Panel: Evaluate and Display Inline


Context Panel: Student Linear Algebra≻Standard Operations≻Vector Angle

u&comma;v = 123,3−75angle betweenarccos21483581

Dot product

Cross product


Common Symbols palette: Dot product operator


Context Panel: Evaluate and Display Inline

Common Symbols palette: Cross product operator

Context Panel: Evaluate and Display Inline

u·v = 4

u×v = 314−13


Context Panel: Evaluate and Display Inline


Context Panel: Student Linear Algebra≻Standard Operations≻Dot Product (or Cross Product)

u&comma;v = 123,3−75dot product4

u&comma;v = 123,3−75cross product314−13

Example 2: Orthonormalization

Orthonormalize the columns of the matrix A&equals;849643391, then form Q, a matrix with these orthonormalized vectors, and show that Q is an orthogonal matrix.


Control-drag the matrix A and press the Enter key.


Context Panel: Select Elements≻Split into Columns


Context Panel: Student Linear Algebra≻Vector Spaces≻Gram-Schmidt≻normalized


Context Panel: Assign to a Name≻Q 



split into columns


Gram-Schmidt (normalized)


combine into Matrix


assign to a name


Verify that Q is an orthogonal matrix


Context Panel: Evaluate and Display Inline

Q%T&period;Q = 100010001

Q&period;Q%T = 100010001

Visualizing a Linear Transform


Tools≻Load Package: Student Linear Algebra

Loading Student:-LinearAlgebra

Example 1: Linear Transform Induced by a 2×2 Matrix

Visualize the effect of applying to unit vectors, the linear transformation determined by the matrix A&equals;1234.

Access the Linear Transform Plot tutor through the Context Panel applied to the matrix A. The result is Figure 9.


Context Panel: Student Linear Algebra≻Tutors≻Linear Transform Plot

Figure 9

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