16 Testing, Debugging, and Efficiency - Maple Help
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16 Testing, Debugging, and Efficiency

New programs, whether developed in Maple or any other language, sometimes work incorrectly. Problems that occur when a program is run can be caused by syntax errors introduced during implementation, logic errors in the design of the algorithm, or errors in the translation of an algorithm's description into code. Many errors can be subtle and hard to find by visually inspecting your program. Maple provides error detection commands and a debugger to help you find these errors.

Maple has several commands to help you find errors in procedures. Among these are commands to trace procedure execution, check assertions, raise exceptions and trap errors, and verify procedure semantics and syntax.

Additionally, the Maple debugger lets you stop in an executing Maple procedure, inspect and modify the values of local and global variables, and continue the execution process, either to completion, or one statement or block at a time. You can stop the execution process when Maple reaches a particular statement, when it assigns a value to a specified local or global variable, or when a specified error occurs. This facility lets you investigate the inner workings of a program.

Even when a program is working correctly, you may want to analyze its performance to try to improve its efficiency. Maple commands are available to analyze the time and memory consumption involved in running a program.

16.1 In This Chapter


Using the Maple debugger


Detailed debugger information


Additional commands for error detection


Measuring and improving program efficiency


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