Setup the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler (Win64) - Maple Help
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setup the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler on 64-bit Windows platforms


Calling Sequence



Downloading and Installing Microsoft Visual C++ Express Edition

Setting Up the Visual C++ Compiler

Calling Sequence


Compiler:-Setup( path )




string; a Maple string



The procedure Compiler:-Setup is used to set up the location of the batch file used by the Microsoft C compiler on 64-bit Windows platforms.  On other platforms, it currently serves no purpose and simply raises an exception. This procedure may require administrator access. By default Maple will automatically detect and use the latest version of Microsoft C compiler and Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) that is installed on the system. Compiler:-Setup can be used to configure a different compiler and SDK combination to be used.


If called with a string path, the path argument should be the full path to the vcvars64.bat batch file distributed with the Windows Software Development Kit (SDK)


If called with no arguments, a dialog is presented within which you may browse the file system to locate the vcvars64.bat file.


Upon successful completion, the Compiler:-Setup command stores the location of the vcvars64.bat file in a launch.ini file so that Maple may set the environment properly for use of the Microsoft C compiler. Maple should be restarted upon completion.


The following two sections provide instructions on downloading, installing and setting up the Express Edition of the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler.


Note: For the most current instructions on installing and setting up a Microsoft Visual C++ compiler, see the compiler setup pdf document, .

Downloading and Installing Microsoft Visual C++ Express Edition


To install Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2017 for Windows Desktop, do the following:


Go to


Scroll down to the Still want Visual Studio Express? section.


Click Express 2017 for Windows Desktop.


Browse to the location of the install file (by default, your Downloads folder), and then run the install file.

Setting Up the Visual C++ Compiler


Every time you launch the Standard Worksheet version of Maple your computer is automatically scanned for a suitable Microsoft Visual Studio C++ compiler. The supported compilers are Visual Studio 2022.


If your supported version of Visual Studio C++ compiler is not detected, you can manually define the %LIB%, %INCLUDE% and %PATH% environment variables used by the compiler or you can set up the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler for Maple by specifying the path of the vcvarsx86_amd64.bat file created during the Maple installation process. To specify the path of the file do the following:


If Maple is already installed on your computer, you can run a command within Maple to specify the path of the file. Perform the following steps:


Open Maple.


At the Maple prompt, type Compiler:-Setup() and press Enter.


In the dialog box, specify the full path to the vcvarsx86_amd64.bat file.


Close Maple.


Note: The Compiler:-Setup() command is available in the Standard Worksheet version of Maple. If you are using the Command line version of Maple you must manually define the %LIB%, %INCLUDE% and %PATH% environment variables.

See Also



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