Calling Sequence
MertonJumpDiffusion(X, lambda, a, b)
MertonJumpDiffusion(, sigma, r, d, lambda, a, b, t, S)
Black-Scholes process
intensity of the lognormal Poisson process
scale parameter of the lognormal Poisson process
shape parameter of the lognormal Poisson process
non-negative constant; initial value
non-negative constant, procedure, or local volatility structure; volatility
non-negative constant, procedure, or yield term structure; risk-free rate
non-negative constant, procedure, or yield term structure; dividend yield
name; time variable
name; state variable
The MertonJumpDiffusion command creates a new jump diffusion process that is governed by the stochastic differential equation (SDE)
is the drift parameter
is the volatility parameter
is the standard Wiener process
is a compound Poisson process of the form
such that is independent and lognormally distributed with mean and standard deviation .
Both the drift parameter mu and the volatility parameter sigma can be either constant or time-dependent. In the second case they can be specified either as an algebraic expression containing one indeterminate, or as a procedure that accepts one parameter (the time) and returns the corresponding value of the drift (volatility).
Similar to the drift and the volatility parameters, the intensity parameter lambda can be either constant or time-dependent. In the second case it can be specified either as an algebraic expression containing one indeterminate or as a procedure that accepts one parameter (the time).
Both the scale parameter a and the shape parameter b of the underlying lognormal Poisson process must be real constants.
First consider two examples of jump diffusion with low volatility to observe the effect of jumps.
Now consider similar processes but with relatively high volatility.
| (10) |
Here is another way to define the same jump diffusion process.
| (12) |
| (13) |
Glasserman, P., Monte Carlo Methods in Financial Engineering. New York: Springer-Verlag, 2004.
Hull, J., Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 5th. edition. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2003.
Merton, R.C., On the pricing when underlying stock returns are discontinuous, Journal of Financial Economics, (3) 1976, pp. 125-144.
The Finance[MertonJumpDiffusion] command was introduced in Maple 15.