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Code Generation

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Maple will generate optimized code from your equations and procedures. Targets include C, C#, Fortran, Java, MATLAB®, Python and more.


This code is fast and efficient and eliminates unnecessary numeric operations.


Generate Code from Expressions


This equation, for example, represents one of the joint angles of a robot arm, derived from a symbolic analysis in Maple.



This equation is now converted to optimized C code.

CodeGenerationCθ,optimize, deducetypes=false

t1 = l2 * l2;

t3 = 0.2e1 * l2 * z;
t4 = x * x;
t5 = y * y;
t6 = z * z;
t10 = t1 - t3 + t4 + t5 + t6 + (l4 + l5 + l3) * (-l4 - l5 + l3);
t11 = t10 * t10;
t14 = sqrt((t4 + t5) * t11);
t16 = l4 + l5;
t26 = l3 * l3;
t28 = t16 * t16;
t32 = sqrt(-0.1e1 / t28 / t26 * (-t3 + t4 + t5 + t6 + (l5 + l2 + l4 + l3) * (-l5 + l2 - l4 - l3)) * (-t3 + t4 + t5 + t6 + (-l5 + l2 - l4 + l3) * (l5 + l2 + l4 - l3)));
t35 = l2 - z;
t40 = 0.1e1 / l3;
t42 = 0.1e1 / (t1 - t3 + t4 + t5 + t6);
t51 = atan2(t42 * t40 / t10 * (-t32 * t16 * t14 * l3 + t35 * t11), t40 * t42 * (t32 * t35 * t16 * l3 + t14));


Robot Arm Code Generation



Generate Code from Procedures


You can also convert Maple procedures to code.

These two procedures, for example, solve the Colebrook equation (an empirical equation that describes friction in pipe flow) using a bisection method.


friction := proc (f, e, Dia, Rey)
   return -2*log10(e/(3.7*Dia)+2.51/((Rey*sqrt(f))))-1/sqrt(f):

end proc:

bisectionColebrook := proc (friction, a, b, e, Dia, Rey)

local epsilonABS, epsilonSTEP, c, atemp, btemp:

epsilonABS := 0.1e-4:
epsilonSTEP := 0.1e-4:

atemp := a:
btemp := b:

while epsilonSTEP <= btemp-atemp or epsilonABS <= abs(friction(atemp, e, Dia, Rey))
      and epsilonABS <= abs(friction(btemp, e, Dia, Rey)) do

   c := atemp / 2 + btemp / 2:

   if abs(friction(c, e, Dia, Rey)) <= 0 then


   elif friction(atemp, e, Dia, Rey)*friction(c, e, Dia, Rey) < 0 then
      btemp := c
      atemp := c
   end if

end do:

return atemp:

end proc:

Test the bisection method




Now generate C code for the two procedures


#include <stdlib.h>

double bisectionColebrook (
  double friction,
  double a,
  double b,
  double e,
  double Dia,
  double Rey)
  double epsilonABS;
  double epsilonSTEP;
  double c;
  double atemp;
  double btemp;
  epsilonABS = 0.1e-4;
  epsilonSTEP = 0.1e-4;
  atemp = a;
  btemp = b;
  while (epsilonSTEP <= btemp - atemp || epsilonABS <= abs(friction(atemp, e, Dia, Rey)) && epsilonABS <= abs(friction(btemp, e, Dia, Rey)))
    c = atemp / 2 + btemp / 2;
    if (abs(friction(c, e, Dia, Rey)) <= 0)
    else if (friction(atemp, e, Dia, Rey) * friction(c, e, Dia, Rey) < 0)
      btemp = c;
      atemp = c;


#include <math.h>

double friction (
  double f,
  double e,
  double Dia,
  double Rey)

  return(-0.2e1 * log10(e / 0.37e1 / Dia + 0.251e1 / (Rey * sqrt(f))) - 0.1e1 / sqrt(f));


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