construct Gabriel graph
Calling Sequence
GabrielGraph( P, opts )
Matrix or list of lists representing set of points
(optional) one or more options as specified below
triangulation = list of three-element lists
Supply a previously computed Delaunay triangulation of P. The input must be a valid Delaunay triangulation in the format returned by ComputationalGeometry[DelaunayTriangulation]: a list of three-element lists of integers, representing triangles in a triangulation of P.
vertices = list of integers, strings or symbols
Specifies the vertices to be used in the generated graph.
weighted = truefalse
If weighted=true, the result is a weighted graph whose edge weights correspond to the Euclidean distance between points. The default is false.
The GabrielGraph(P, opts) command returns the Gabriel graph for the point set P.
The parameter P must be a Matrix or list of lists representing a set of points.
Let P be a set of points in n dimensions, let p and q be arbitrary points from P, and let distp,q be the Euclidean distance between p and q.
The Gabriel graph the graph whose vertices correspond to points in P and whose edges consist of those pairs p and q from P for which the closed ball centered halfway between p and q with diameter equal to distp−q contains no other points from P.
Formally, define the ball Bp,q to be those points r∈P such that distr,p2+q2≤distp,q2. The Gabriel graph has an edge between p and q if and only if Bp,q=∅.
The Gabriel graph has the following relationships with other graphs:
The Euclidean minimum spanning tree on P is a subgraph of the Gabriel graph on P.
The nearest neighbor graph on P is a subgraph of the Gabriel graph on P.
The relative neighborhood graph on P is a subgraph of the Gabriel graph on P.
The Urquhart graph on P is a subgraph of the Gabriel graph on P.
The Gabriel graph on P is a subgraph of the Delaunay graph on P.
Generate a set of random two-dimensional points and draw a Gabriel graph.
GG≔Graph 1: an undirected graph with 60 vertices and 105 edge(s)
Gabriel, Kuno Ruben; Sokal, Robert Reuven (1969), "A new statistical approach to geographic variation analysis", Systematic Biology, Society of Systematic Biologists, 18(3): 259–278. doi:10.2307/2412323.
The GraphTheory[GeometricGraphs][GabrielGraph] command was introduced in Maple 2020.
For more information on Maple 2020 changes, see Updates in Maple 2020.
See Also
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