Chapter 9: Vector Calculus
Section 9.5: Line Integrals
Example 9.5.20
Calculate the flux of the field F=x y i+x+y j through the ellipse whose center is 3,4 and whose semi-major and semi-minor axes, parallel to the coordinate axes, are 2 and 1, respectively. Take the outward normal along the ellipse.
Mathematical Solution
The ellipse with center 3,4, semi-major axis 2, and semi-minor axis 1, is given parametrically by the position vector
R=xy = 3+2 cos(t)4+ sin(t)
The flux of the field F through this ellipse is given by the line integral
∫CF·N ds
=∫abf dy− g dx
=∫01x yx=a|f(x)x=xt,y=yt⋅ddtyt−x+yx=a|f(x)x=xt,y=yt⋅ddtxt dt
=∫013+2 cost4+sint⋅cost−3+2 cost+4+sint⋅−2 sint dt
=10 π
Maple Solution - Interactive
Obtain the flux via the following task template.
Calculus - Vector≻Integration≻Flux≻2-D≻Through an Ellipse
Flux through an Ellipse
Select Coordinate SystemCartesian [x,y]Cartesian - otherpolarbipolarcardioidcassinianelliptiichyperbolicinvcassinianlogarithmiclogcoshparabolicrosetangent
Obtain the flux via first principles.
Tools≻Load Package: Student Vector Calculus
Loading Student:-VectorCalculus
Tools≻Tasks≻Browse: Calculus - Vector≻ Vector Algebra and Settings≻ Display Format for Vectors
Press the Access Settings button and select "Display as Column Vector"
Display Format for Vectors
Define the vector field F
Enter the free vector whose components are those of F. Context Panel: Evaluate and Display Inline
Context Panel: Student Vector Calculus≻Conversions≻To Vector Field
Context Panel: Assign to a Name≻F
x y,x+y = →to Vector Field →assign to a nameF
Define the path parametrically, as a position vector
Context Panel: Assign Name
R=3+2 cost,4+ sint→assign
Obtain R., a tangent vector along the path
Calculus palette: Differentiation operator Context Panel: Evaluate and Display Inline
ⅆⅆ t R =
Obtain N, a unit normal vector along the path
Write the free vector whose components are those of R., but switched, and the second one negated. Context Panel: Evaluate and Display Inline
Context Panel: Student Vector Calculus≻Normalize≻Euclidean
Context Panel: Assign to a Name≻N
cost,2 sint = →Euclidean-normalize →assign to a nameN
Obtain ρ=dsdt=R.
Calculus palette: Differentiation operator
Context Panel: Evaluate and Display Inline
Context Panel: Assign to a Name≻rho
ⅆⅆ t R = −3cost2+4→assign to a nameρ
Obtain the integrand F·N ds
Expression palette: Evaluation template Common Symbols palette: Dot product operator Press the Enter key.
Context Panel: Constructions≻Definite Integral≻t (Complete dialog as per figure at the right.)
Context Panel: Evaluate Integral
F·N ρx=a|f(x)x=R1,y=R2
→integrate w.r.t. t
Maple Solution - Coded
Install the Student VectorCalculus package.
Set the display format for vectors via the BasisFormat command.
Define F via the VectorField command.
F≔VectorFieldx y,x+y:
Apply the Flux command
Use the Flux command to generate a graph of F and the path of integration
FluxF,PathR,t=0..2 π,output=plot,scaling=constrained
It is also possible to obtain a solution from first principles.
Define the path parametrically, as the position vector R
Define R as the position vector parametrizing the line of integration with t∈0,2 π.
R≔3+2 cost,4+ sint
Apply the Norm command to the result obtained with the diff command.
Apply the Normalize command to the vector whose components are the interchanged components of R., with the second one negated.
N≔Normalizecost,2 sint
Form and evaluate the requisite line integral
Compute F·N with the DotProduct command, and use the eval command to evaluate this expression along the path. Then use the Int and int commands.
IntevalDotProductF,N⋅ρ,x=R1,y=R2,t=0..2 π=intevalDotProductF,N⋅ρ,x=R1,y=R2,t=0..2 π
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