with(DifferentialGeometry): with(JetCalculus):
Example 1.
Create the jet space for the bundle with coordinates .
DGsetup([x, y], [u], E, 3):
Define a type (1, 0) form and show that it is -closed.
E >
omega1 := evalDG((u[1, 2]*u[1, 1, 1] + u[1 ,1]*u[1, 1, 2])*Dx + (u[1, 2]*u[1 ,1, 2] + u[1, 1]*u[1, 2, 2])*Dy);
E >
Apply the ZigZag command to to obtain a form .
E >
theta1 := ZigZag(omega1);
Check that is -closed and that its [1, 0] component matches .
E >
E >
convert(theta1, DGbiform, [1, 0]);
Example 2.
Define a type (2, 0) form and show that its Euler-Lagrange form is 0.
E >
omega2 := evalDG((- u[2, 2]*u[1, 2] - u[2]*u[1, 2, 2] - u[1]*u[1, 2, 2] - u[1, 2]^2)*Dx &w Dy);
E >
Apply the ZigZag command to to obtain a 2-form .
E >
theta2 := ZigZag(omega2);
Check that is closed and that its [2, 0] component matches .
E >
E >
convert(theta2, DGbiform, [2, 0]);
Example 3.
Define a type (2, 1) form and show that .
E >
omega3 := EulerLagrange(u[1]*u[2]^2*Dx &w Dy);
E >
Apply the ZigZag command to to obtain a form .
E >
theta3 := ZigZag(omega3);
Check that is closed and that its [2, 1] component matches
E >
E >
convert(theta3, DGbiform, [2, 1]);