GetSettings - MapleSim Help
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get the settings of the MapleSim model


Calling Sequence




Calling Sequence

A := MapleSim:-LinkModel();




list : list of the MapleSim model's settings.



A:-GetSettings returns the settings of the MapleSim model. A:-GetSettings always returns the settings defined for the entire model.


The A:-GetSettings returns a list of the form name = value, where name is one of the following;

When Solver Type is set to Variable:


t0 : simulation start time, default is 0.0 seconds;


tf : simulation stop time, default is 10.0 seconds;


solver : variable step integration method ("rkf45", "ck45", "rosenbrock"), default is "ck45";


abserr : absolute error tolerance, default is 1e-4;


relerr : relative error tolerance, default is 1e-4;


minpoints : minimum number of points to plot, default is 2000;


baumgarte : apply Baumgarte constraint stabilization (list [alpha, beta]), default is [];


alpha : derivative gain for Baumgarte constraint stabilization,


beta : proportional gain for Baumgarte constraint stabilization,


coniter : maximum number of constraint projection iterations, default is 50;


contol : constraint projection error tolerance, default is 1e-5;


evtiter : maximum number of event iterations, default is 100;


numericjacobian : determines how the system Jacobian is formulated for implicit integration methods (equals true when the MapleSim model's Jacobian setting is set to Numeric in the MapleSim GUI), default is false;


ix1relfac : relative error on algebraic variables compared to differential variables, default is 1.0;


ix1errctl : enable error control on algebraic variables not present in events, probes, or black-box function outputs, default is false;


ratehyst : width of the event hysteresis for all event triggers at the start of the simulation, default is 1e-10;


scalemethod : method of variable scaling applied to system (none, minimum, maximum, geometric), default is none;


reduceevents : determines whether to use heuristics to minimize number of the events encountered during simulation, default is false;


plotevents : determines whether to add extra plot points at event points during simulation, default is true;


compiler : determines whether code is compiled to native code prior to simulation, default is true;


optimize : determines whether compiler optimizations are applied during code compilation, default is true;


snap_state_file : use a snapped state simulation, default is "";


diagnosticinfo : output integration diagnostics, default is false;


minstep : minimum step size to use for integration, default is 0.


maxstep : maximum step size to use for integration, default is 0 (disabled).

When Solver Type is set to Fixed:


t0 : simulation start time, default is 0.0 seconds;


t1 : simulation stop time, default is 10.0 seconds;


solver : fixed step integration method ("feuler" (Euler), "rk2", "rk3", "rk4", "beuler" (ImplicitEuler)), default is "feuler";


stepsize : fixed step size, default is 1e-3;


minpoints : minimum number of points to plot, default is 2000;


baumgarte : apply Baumgarte constraint stabilization (list [alpha, beta]), default is [];


alpha : derivative gain for Baumgarte constraint stabilization,


beta : proportional gain for Baumgarte constraint stabilization,


coniter : maximum number of constraint projection iterations, default is 50;


contol : constraint projection error tolerance, default is 1e-5;


evtiter : maximum number of event iterations, default is 100;


evtproj : determines whether to apply constraint projection during events, default is true;


evthyst : width of the event hysteresis band, default is 1e-7;


numericjacobian : determines how the system Jacobian is formulated for implicit integration methods (equals true when the MapleSim model's Jacobian setting is set to Numeric in the MapleSim GUI), default is false;


plotevents : determines whether to add an extra plot point before each potential event point during simulation, default is false;


compiler : determines whether code is compiled to native code prior to simulation, default is true;


optimize : determines whether compiler optimizations are applied during code compilation,  default is true;


snap_state_file : use a snapped state simulation, default is "".


diagnosticinfo : output integration diagnostics, default is false;


The A := MapleSim:-LinkModel() statement needs to be run prior to successfully using any of the ModelObject A's export functions.


Linking to a MapleSim model (located in .msim file):


Getting the settings of the MapleSim model:




See Also

Advanced Simulation Settings





Simulation Settings


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