While any command in the package can be referred to using the long form, for example, Student[Calculus1][Rule], it is easier, and often clearer, to load the package, and then use the short form command names.
Several commands in the Calculus1 package provide helpful information through the Maple userinfo facility. To see these information messages, set the corresponding infolevel table entry, using Student or Student[Calculus1] as the index.
The single stepping functionality consists of sets of rules for each basic operation, limit, differentiation, and integration. Rules are applied by calling the package command Rule, providing the name of a rule and a problem to which that rule is applied. Problems are represented using the inert forms Limit, Diff, and Int.
| (1.2) |
Notice that the rule is specified as the index to the Rule command, while the problem is given as the argument.
The output from a call to Rule is normally an equation in which the left-hand side is the original problem and the right-hand side is the current state of that problem. This output can be passed to another application of the Rule command.
To see the steps from the initial state of a problem to its current state, use the ShowSteps command.
| (1.4) |
A differentiation example.
| (1.5) |
The more common rules have short form equivalents: difference = `-`, product = `*`, power = `^`, quotient = `/`, constantmultiple = `c*`. For completeness, there is also sum = `+`, though both are 3 characters long.
| (1.6) |
The name of any univariate function can be given as a rule.
| (1.7) |
The Calculus1 package maintains a record of each problem you have worked on in a session. You can switch between problems using the GetProblem command.
You can display the state of any problem, or of all problems, using the Show command.
| (1.9) |
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