Determine , the maximum of the absolute value of the fourth derivative of the integrand over the interval of integration.
Context Panel: Assign Function
From Figure 6.7.6(a), a graph of on , estimate:
In fact, =
Figure 6.7.6(a) Graph of on
With , solve the inequality for .
Write the inequality .
Context Panel: Solve≻Solve
The appropriate choice of is the first positive even integer greater than . Hence, guarantees that Simpson's rule will approximate with an error of no more than . From Example 6.7.1, take to be the number . To determine the actual value of for which Simpson's rule approximates with the desired accuracy, use the ApproximateInt command as per Table 6.7.6(a).
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Define as the actual value of the integral.
Use the ApproximateInt command and compare to
Table 6.7.6(a) The smallest value of for which Simpson's rule approximates to within
By experiment, it is determined that is the smallest value of for which Simpson's rule approximates with an error no worse than .
Note that for Simpson's rule, the ApproximateInt command defaults to the subinterval form of the partitiontype option. This form of the rule evaluates the integrand at points, thereby obtaining a much greater accuracy. To keep the number of function evaluations to , it is essential to include the normal form of the partitiontype option.