Calling Sequence
list of vertex labels
positive integer
numeric value between 0.0 and 1.0
non-negative integer
sequence of options (see below)
If the option connected is specified, the graph created is connected, and hence has at least n-1 edges.
For RandomGraph(n,m,connected), m must be at least n-1. A random tree is first created, then the remaining m-n+1 edges are
For RandomGraph(n,p,connected), a random tree is first created then each remaining edge is present with probability p.
If the option degree=d is specified, and d-regular n vertex graph is possible, then a random d-regular graph having n vertices will be returned. Note that this option cannot be present with the directed option. This is equivalent to using the RandomRegularGraph command.
If the option directed is specified, a random directed graph is chosen. This is equivalent to using the RandomDigraph command. Default value is false.
Seed for the random number generator. When an integer is specified, this is equivalent to calling randomize(seed).
If the option weights=m..n is specified, where are integers, the graph is a weighted graph with integer edge weights chosen from [m,n] uniformly at random. The weight matrix W in the graph has datatype=integer, and if the edge from vertex i to j is not in the graph then W[i,j] = 0.
If the option weights=x..y where are decimals is specified, the graph is a weighted graph with numerical edge weights chosen from [x,y] uniformly at random. The weight matrix W in the graph has datatype=float[8], that is, double precision floats (16 decimal digits), and if the edge from vertex i to j is not in the graph then W[i,j] = 0.0.
If the option weights=f where f is a function (a Maple procedure) that returns a number (integer, rational, or decimal number), then f is used to generate the edge weights. The weight matrix W in the graph has datatype=anything, and if the edge from vertex i to j is not in the graph then W[i,j] = 0.
RandomGraph(n,p) creates an undirected unweighted graph on n vertices where each possible edge is present with probability p where .
RandomGraph(n,m) creates an undirected unweighted graph on n vertices and m edges where the m edges are chosen uniformly at random. The value of m must satisfy .
If the first input is a positive integer n, then the vertices are labeled 1,2,...,n. Alternatively, you may specify the vertex labels in a list.
This model of random graph generation, in which edges are selected with uniform probability from all possible edges in a graph on the specified vertices, is known as the Erdős–Rényi model.
| (1) |
| (2) |
| (3) |
| (5) |
| (7) |
| (8) |
| (9) |
| (10) |
f := proc() local x; x := U(); if x=1 then 1 else 2 end if; end proc:
| (11) |
| (12) |