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effect multiple substitutions in a string


Calling Sequence





Calling Sequence

Subs( [ L1 = R1, L2 = R2, ... ], s )

Subs( { L1 = R1, L2 = R2, ... ], s )

Subs( L = R, s )




string; the string in which to effect substitutions

L, L1, L2, ...


string; left hand sides of substitutions; substrings to replace

R, R1, R2, ...


string; right hand sides of substitutions; replacements for corresponding left hand sides



The Subs command effects (single or) multiple substitutions in a string s as specified by its first argument. The precise way in which those substitutions take place depends upon the form of the first argument, which may be a single equation of the form L = R, or a set or list of such equations.


If the first argument is a single equation L = R, then Subs( L = R, s ) simply replaces occurrences of the substring L in s by the string R, by using the command StringTools:-SubstituteAll( s, L, R ).


When a list of substitutions is presented as the first argument, then the substitutions in the list are performed serially, in the order specified. This means that the first substitution L1 = R1 is applied to the string s, using the command StringTools:-SubstituteAll( s, L1, R1 ). Then, the substitution L2 = R2 is applied to the result; then the substitution L3 = R3 is applied to the result of that, and so on.


When the substitutions are given as a set, then parallel substitutions are effected, with the "longest-match rule" being used to resolve multiple matches in the input string s. This means that, if two of the left hand sides among L1, L2, ... match a substring of s at the same position, then the longest such match is used in the substitutions.


All of the StringTools package commands treat strings as (null-terminated) sequences of -bit (ASCII) characters.  Thus, there is no support for multibyte character encodings, such as unicode encodings.



Note the difference between serial and parallel substitutions



The following example illustrates the significance of the order of substitutions in a list.





The StringTools[Subs] command was introduced in Maple 2017.


For more information on Maple 2017 changes, see Updates in Maple 2017.

See Also






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