Solution via Context Panel
Control-drag the differential equation.
Press the Enter key.
Context Panel:
Add an Initial Condition≻
(See Figure 5.6.3(b).)
Context Panel: Solve DE≻
Context Panel: Right-hand Side
Context Panel: Plot Builder≻2-D plot
view: axis[2]≻
2-D Options: scaling≻constrained
Figure 5.6.3(b) "Add Condition" dialog
Stepwise solution via the Student ODEs package
Tools≻Load Package: Student ODEs
Loading Student:-ODEs
Control-drag the ODE.
Form a set with the ODE and the initial condition.
Apply the ODESteps command.
(This option is not available in the Context Panel.)
| ( |
Solution via the ODE Analyzer Assistant
Control-drag the differential equation.
Context Panel: Solve DE Interactively
The first pane of the
assistant is shown in Figure 5.6.8. The Context Panel automatically inserts the differential equation into the Assistant.
To add the initial condition, click the Edit button at the bottom of the "Conditions" window.
Figure 5.6.3(d) shows the Edit Conditions pane. Fill in the data under "Add Condition", then click both the Add and the Done buttons.
Press the "Solve Symbolically" button to obtain the "Solve Symbolically" pane shown in Figure 5.6.3(f). Click the Solve button to obtain the analytic solution of the IVP.
Figure 5.6.3(c) Pane 1, ODE Analyzer Assistant
Figure 5.6.3(d) Edit-Conditions pane
Figure 5.6.3(e) shows the Plot Options pane, launched by clicking the Plot Options button in the Solve Symbolically pane. Change the default values for the range of the independent variable.
Press the Plot button in the Solve Symbolically pane to obtain a graph of the solution.
Figure 5.6.3(e) Plot Options pane
Figure 5.6.3(f) Solve Symbolically pane
Note the "Show Maple commands" check-box with which the dsolve and plot commands used by the assistant can be seen. The "On Quit, Return" drop-down can be used to select what will be returned to the worksheet when the Quit button is pressed. The graph, the analytic solution, the Maple commands, or nothing, can be thereby returned.
Solution via the dsolve command
To graph the solution returned by the dsolve command, just the right-hand side of the equation is given to the plot command or to the Context Panel's Plots option. For this, the rhs (right-hand side) command, or the Context Panel's "Right-hand Side" option can be used.