Chapter 7: Triple Integration
Section 7.1: The Triple Integral
Example 7.1.3
In Maple, implement the definition of the triple integral for fx,y,z=1+2 x2+3 y2+4 z2 on the region R={x,y,z| x∈1,2,y∈−1,3,z∈2,4}.
Define fx,y,z as the integrand
Context Panel: Assign Function
fx,y,z=1+2 x2+3 y2+4 z2→assign as functionf
Form a Riemann sum
Expression palette: Summation template
Context Panel: Assign Name
q=∑i=1u∑j=1v∑k=1wf1+iu,−1+4 jv,2+2 kw⋅1⋅4⋅2u v w→assign
Obtain an iterated limit
Apply the relevant form of the limit command.
limitq,u=∞,v=∞,w=∞ = 400
In three dimensions, Maple's limit command computes iterated limits, not a true multidimensional limit. This is in distinction to the two-dimensional case where, for certain functions, Maple can obtain a true bivariate limit. Note also that there is no convenient "syntax-free" way to implement the multidimensional limit.
The expression for the Riemann sum in three dimensions can be cumbersome. Its simplified form is displayed below.
simplifyq = 83150u2v2w2+72u2v2w+36u2vw2+9uv2w2+8u2v2+24u2w2+v2w2u2v2w2
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