Sun XML Calc (.sxc) File Format
SXC file format
SXC (Sun XML Calc) is an XML-based spreadsheet file format used by OpenOffice and StarOffice.
The commands ImportMatrix and ExportMatrix can read and write to the SXC format.
The general-purpose commands Import and Export also support this format.
The default output from Import for this format is a DataSeries, the individual elements of which are DataFrames corresponding to worksheets within the SXC spreadsheet.
Content-Type: application/vnd.sun.xml.calc
Import an ODS spreadsheet with demographic data on Central America.
Import the same data as above but returned as a table of Matrices.
Export a random matrix to a SXC spreadsheet in the home directory of the current user.
With Maple 2016, the Import command applied to SXC files now produces DataSeries objects by default. To produce a table, use Import(...,output=table).
See Also
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