Calling Sequence
Classify(p, L, b1, ..., bn)
characteristic property defining a class
list, set, table, or rtable; the object containing elements to be classified
b1, ..., bn
(optional) extra arguments passed to p
The Classify(p, L, b1, ..., bn) function groups the elements of L into sets according to the characteristic property p. That is, it returns a table T with indices i such that T[i] is the set of elements e of L having value p(e, b1, ..., bn) = i.
If L is a table or rtable (such as an Array, Matrix, or Vector), the result is equivalent to applying this function to convert(L,list) with all other arguments the same. (See convert/list.)
The call Classify(p, L, b1, ..., bn) is mostly equivalent to ListTools[Categorize]((x, y) -> p(x)=p(y), L, b1, ..., bn) but more efficient. The form of the output is also different: Categorize returns a sequence of lists, while Classify returns a table of sets. On the other hand, Categorize is more general in that it accepts two-argument relations which can not necessarily be written in the form (x, y) -> p(x)=p(y) for some property p.
The ListTools[Classify] command was introduced in Maple 16.