You can pass in a color or list of colors to the plot command. For a single curve,
If you have more then one curve, put the curves in a list, and the colors in a corresponding list:
The color=colorname option can be used with most plotting commands, in addition to the plot command itself. For more inforation, see Plot Color Option.
Note: The color names are given as strings in double quotes ("Blue"). This is the new form for color names. In earlier releases, a more limited number of colors were available and were given as symbols, often were enclosed in quotes ('blue') to avoid evaluation. For backwards compatibility, this form will still work with the old color names, but new color names must be strings.
For the complete list of valid color names, including the mapping from the old names to the new names, see plot/colornames.
Tip: Maple also accepts the keyword "colour" as a valid alternative spelling.