Calling Sequence
Correlation(X, Y, numeric_option, inert_option)
Correlation(A, B, numeric_option)
Correlation(M, numeric_option)
The Correlation function computes the correlation of two data samples or the correlation of multiple data samples in a Matrix.
If the option inert is not included or is specified to be inert=false, then the function will return the actual value of the result. If inert or inert=true is specified, then the function will return the formula of evaluating the actual value.
By default, all computations involving random variables are performed symbolically (see option numeric below).
If there are floating point values or the option numeric is included, then the computation is done in floating point. Otherwise the computation is exact.
By default, the correlation is computed according to the rules mentioned above. To always compute the correlation numerically, specify the numeric or numeric = true option.
| (1) |
| (2) |
If the computation contains floating point values or the numeric option is included, then a floating point value will be returned.
Compute the correlation between two random variables.
| (7) |
Use the inert option.
| (9) |
| (11) |
| (12) |
Stuart, Alan, and Ord, Keith. Kendall's Advanced Theory of Statistics. 6th ed. London: Edward Arnold, 1998. Vol. 1: Distribution Theory.
The Student[Statistics][Correlation] command was introduced in Maple 18.