Example 4.3.1
The composition of with forms the function . Obtain by an appropriate form of the chain rule, and again by writing the rule for explicitly. Give a graphical interpretation of .
Example 4.3.2
The composition of , with , forms the function . Obtain by an appropriate form of the chain rule, and again by writing the rule for explicitly. Show that the results agree.
Example 4.3.3
The composition of with , forms the function . Obtain by an appropriate form of the chain rule, and again by writing the rule for explicitly. Show that the results agree.
Example 4.3.4
The composition of with , , forms the function . Obtain by an appropriate form of the chain rule, and again by writing the rule for explicitly. Show that the results agree.
Example 4.3.5
The composition of with forms the function . Obtain the partial derivatives and by appropriate forms of the chain rule, and again by writing the rule for explicitly. Show that the results agree.
Example 4.3.6
The composition of with forms the function . Obtain the partial derivatives and by appropriate forms of the chain rule, and again by writing the rule for explicitly. Show that the results agree.
Example 4.3.7
The composition of with , , forms the function . Obtain the partial derivatives and by appropriate forms of the chain rule, and again by writing the rule for explicitly. Show that the results agree.
Example 4.3.8
Let be defined by the composition of with , , for any sufficiently well-behaved function . Show that .
Example 4.3.9
Let be defined by the composition of with , , for any sufficiently well-behaved function . Show that .
Example 4.3.10
If is the composition of with , , obtain and in terms of and .
Example 4.3.11
If , show that .
Example 4.3.12
If , show that .
Example 4.3.13
If , show that .
Example 4.3.14
If and , , obtain in terms of and .
Example 4.3.15
If , show that .
Example 4.3.16
If , show that .
Example 4.3.17
If is a function of , show that .
Example 4.3.18
If the equation implicitly defines , obtain and .
Example 4.3.19
If the equation implicitly defines , obtain and .
Example 4.3.20
If the equation implicitly defines , obtain and .
Example 4.3.21
If the equation implicitly defines , obtain and .
Example 4.3.22
If the equation implicitly defines , obtain and .
Example 4.3.23
If the equation implicitly defines , obtain .
Example 4.3.24
If the equation implicitly defines , obtain .
Example 4.3.25
If the equation implicitly defines , and the equation implicitly defines , obtain and .
Example 4.3.26
If the equation implicitly defines and the equation implicitly defines , obtain and .
Example 4.3.27
If the equation implicitly defines and the equation implicitly defines , obtain and .
Example 4.3.28
If the equation implicitly defines and the equation implicitly defines , obtain and .
Example 4.3.29
The composition of with , produces the function . Express and in terms of and .
Example 4.3.30
The composition of with , produces the function . Express in terms of , and .