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The Domains Package

This example worksheet demonstrates commands from the Domains package. The Domains package can be used to create domains of computation and then develop code for complicated algorithms.

---------------------- Domains version 1.0 ---------------------
Initially defined domains are Z and Q the integers and rationals
Abbreviations, e.g. DUP for DenseUnivariatePolynomial, also made

Basic Examples Using Domains Z and Q

The domains Z (the integers) and Q (the rationals) have been defined. Let's do some operations.



What are the objects Z and Q? Z and Q are Maple tables


The table contains operations (Maple procedures) for computing in Z and Q. What operations are available?

`     Signatures for constructor Z`
`     note: operations prefixed by  --  are not available`

`      * : (Z,Z*) -> Z`
`      * : (Integers,Z) -> Z`
`      + : (Z,Z*) -> Z`
`      - : Z -> Z`
`      - : (Z,Z) -> Z`
`      0 : Z`
`      1 : Z`
`      < : (Z,Z) -> Boolean`
`      <= : (Z,Z) -> Boolean`
`      <> : (Z,Z) -> Boolean`
`      = : (Z,Z) -> Boolean`
`      > : (Z,Z) -> Boolean`
`      >= : (Z,Z) -> Boolean`
`      Abs : Z -> Z`
`      Characteristic : Integers`
`      Coerce : Integers -> Z`
`      Div : (Z,Z) -> Union(Z,FAIL)`
`      EuclideanNorm : Z -> Integers`
`      Factor : Z -> [Z,[[Z,Integers]*]]`
`      Gcd : Z* -> Z`
`      Gcdex : (Z,Z,Name) -> Z`
`      Gcdex : (Z,Z,Name,Name) -> Z`
`      Input : Expression -> Union(Z,FAIL)`
`      Inv : Z -> Union(Z,FAIL)`
`      Lcm : Z* -> Z`
`      Max : (Z,Z*) -> Z`
`      Min : (Z,Z*) -> Z`
`      Modp : (Z,Z) -> Z`
`      Mods : (Z,Z) -> Z`
`      ModularHomomorphism : () -> (Z -> Z,Z)`
`      Normal : Z -> Z`
`      Output : Z -> Expression`
`      Powmod : (Z,Integers,Z) -> Z`
`      Prime : Z -> Boolean`
`      Quo : (Z,Z) -> Z`
`      Quo : (Z,Z,Name) -> Z`
`      Random : () -> Z`
`      RelativelyPrime : (Z,Z) -> Boolean`
`      Rem : (Z,Z) -> Z`
`      Rem : (Z,Z,Name) -> Z`
`      Sign : Z -> UNION(1,-1,0)`
`      SmallerEuclideanNorm : (Z,Z) -> Boolean`
`      Sqrfree : Z -> [Z,[[Z,Integers]*]]`
`      Type : Expression -> Boolean`
`      Unit : Z -> Z`
`      UnitNormal : Z -> [Z,Z,Z]`
`      Zero : Z -> Boolean`
`      ^ : (Z,Integers) -> Z`

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