Calling Sequence
changecoords(p, coord)
plot data structure
new coordinate system
The changecoords function transforms a plot structure to one that uses a new coordinate system.
The input p must be a two or three dimensional plot data structure, while coord must be one of the accepted set of coordinate types available. At present these include:
In three dimensions - bipolarcylindrical, bispherical, cardioidal, cardioidcylindrical, casscylindrical, confocalellip, confocalparab, conical, cylindrical, ellcylindrical, ellipsoidal, hypercylindrical, invcasscylindrical, invellcylindrical, invoblspheroidal, invprospheroidal, logcoshcylindrical, logcylindrical, maxwellcylindrical, oblatespheroidal, paraboloidal, paraboloidal2, paracylindrical, prolatespheroidal, rosecylindrical, sixsphere, spherical, spherical_math, spherical_phsycis, tangentcylindrical, tangentsphere, and toroidal.
In two dimensions - bipolar, cardioid, cassinian, elliptic, hyperbolic, invcassinian, invelliptic, logarithmic, logcosh, maxwell, parabolic, polar, rose, and tangent.
The conversions from the various coordinate systems to Cartesian coordinates can be found in the coords help page.
The result of a call to changecoords is a PLOT or PLOT3D data structure containing information to render the plot. You can assign the data structure to a variable, save it in a file, then read it back in for redisplay. For more information about plot data structures, see plot/structure.
There are other functions available to transform plot data structures. A number of these are in the plottools package and are listed on the plottools help page. The plots[display] function can also be used to transform plots.
The command with(plots,changecoords) allows the use of the abbreviated form of this command.