create a DataSeries from data
Calling Sequence
DataSeries( L, opts )
: {list,Array,Vector,DataSeries,table} : input data
labels : {list,Array,Vector}, labels to use for data items in L
datatype : type, the data type for the DataSeries
The DataSeries constructor produces, from the input data L, a DataSeries data container with the data in L. If the labels = option is specified, then the data in the resulting DataSeries may be retrieved by using the labels specified, as well as by position, as for an Array or Vector. The input data (L) may be a list, a Vector, an Array, a table, or another DataSeries.
If the input L is a table, then the indices of L are used as the labels, while the entries of L are used as the data items. Note that, in this case, there is no pre-determined order for the data.
The input L may be an existing DataSeries, in which case you can use the constructor to produce a new DataSeries with a different (compatible) data type, or to re-label the data items.
The DataSeries command was introduced in Maple 2016.
For more information on Maple 2016 changes, see Updates in Maple 2016.
See Also
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