algorithm = dsolve or fsolve
Select the algorithm used to generate the root-loci. The choices are dsolve and fsolve, the default is dsolve.
The dsolve algorithm generates a differential equation in the independent variable whose solutions trace the root-loci. The branches of the root-loci are generated by passing the differential equation to dsolve/numeric with initial conditions near each of the branch points. If supplied, the named options method, optimize, stiff, abserr, relerr, initstep, maxstep, and maxfun are passed to dsolve. The plot is generated with plots[odeplot], if supplied, the named option refine is passed to it.
The fsolve algorithm uses fsolve to generate the roots of the characteristic polynomial as it increments over . It reorders the list of roots so that roots in the same slot correspond to a single branch of the root-locus. An adaptive technique reduces the amount that is incremented as the loci approach a branch point.
A name assigned a record containing information about the root-locus. See the Description section for details.
Specify the fractional distance from a branch value or critical value of . Where the goes through a branch or critical value of , the range is split, with a hole inserted around the value. The value of frac is the fractional distance from the critical value to the end value or next branch/critical value. The default value is . A branch value is a value of at which the root locus branches. A critical value is a value of at which the characteristic polynomial is degenerate, that is, acquires a degree lower than usual.
plotasymptotes = truefalse
When , and the root-locus has an asymptote, plot the asymptotes as dashed gray lines; the default is .
subsystem = [ posint, posint ]
Select a subsystem of sys; the default is .