In Figure 4.2.5(a), the areas of regions , and , shaded in yellow, must be calculated separately because regions and are below the -axis.
Thus, it is imperative to find the intercepts and .
Unfortunately, exact representations of these intercepts are large and cumbersome expressions. These intercepts will be approximated numerically.
Once the values of and have been determined, the desired area would be given by
Figure 4.2.5(a) Graph of
Table 4.2.5(a) lists the exact values of and , obtained by simplifying the results returned by Maple's solve command.
Table 4.2.5(a) Exact values of the intercepts and
Numeric approximations of and are found below, and these values are used in the appropriate definite integrals to calculate the sum of the areas in regions , and in Figure 4.2.5(a).
Define the function
Context Panel: Assign Function
Obtain numeric values for and
Write and press the Enter key.
Context Panel: Solve≻Numerically Solve
Context Panel: Conversions≻To List
Context Panel: Assign to a Name≻
Calculate the area
Write the sum of definite integrals determining the area. Use for and for .
Context Panel: Evaluate and Display Inline