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Creating a Custom Snippets Palette

Maple provides a number of palettes, collections of buttons representing symbols, expressions, and so on, that can be inserted into a Maple document.  You can also create your own custom Snippets palette.  The process for creating a Snippets palette is:


Define the items that you will put on your palette by creating tasks.


Define a Snippets palette.


Create icons for your palette items (optional).


Add the palette items to your palette.

A simpler way to put entries into a palette is to use the existing Favorites palette.  See Create a Favorites Palette of Commonly Used Expressions and Entities.


Defining a Palette Item by Creating a Task

Defining a Snippets Palette

Creating an Icon for Your Palette Item

Adding a Palette Item to Your Palette

Deleting an Item from Your Palette

Defining a Palette Item by Creating a Task


Palettes are built from task templates.  A task template can be any subselection of a Maple worksheet (or an entire Maple worksheet).  It can include placeholders similar to those used in the Expression palette.


A quick way to create a task and adding it to a palette is to use the context menu.


Select something on a worksheet.


Right-click, and from the context menu, select Create Task.


Give the task a name.


The task appears in the palette, Tasks.

Advanced Features in the Save Task Window


You can customize information about your task and task palette, as well as being able to change the location of where they are store by using the advanced features of the Save Task window.


To access these advanced features:


Select something on a worksheet.


Right-click, and from the context menu, select Create Task


Click Advanced.


For information on creating more complex tasks, see Creating Tasks.

Defining a Snippets Palette


To define a Snippets palette, use the command DocumentTools[AddPalette].


You can specify where the palette appears (top or bottom).  To change this later, see Arranging Palettes.

Creating an Icon for Your Palette Item

To create the icon that will display on the palette:


Save the desired image as a PNG file.


Use the command DocumentTools[AddIcon] to store the icon in the same help database file as the associated task (by default, the file).

Note: Creating an icon is optional.  If you do not use an image file as the icon, then a default text display is used.

Adding a Palette Item to Your Palette


To add the palette item to your palette, use the command DocumentTools[AddPaletteEntry].

Deleting an Item from Your Palette


To remove an item from your palette:


Right-click on the item in your palette that you want to delete.


Select Delete Task.


Note: What you create through Create Task is a Task in that you can also find it in the task browser, under Tasks > User Tasks.  Removing them from the Tasks palette does not remove them from Tasks browser.

See Also











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