Recorded Online Webinars - Engineering Webinars, Math Education Webinars - Maplesoft

Recorded Webinars

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Analytic Approximation for the Dirichlet Problem

Length: 45 Minutes
Presenter: Dr. Robert Lopez
Product: Maple

The 1964 Benster translation of the Kantorovich and Krylov text "Approximate Methods of Higher Analysis" details a scheme for approximating the solution of boundary value problems for homogeneous elliptic equations on plane regions. One example (Laplace's equation on a square) is laboriously provide...

Analytic Approximation for the Dirichlet Problem

Length: 39 Minutes
Presenter: Dr. Robert Lopez
Product: Maple

The 1964 Benster translation of the Kantorovich and Krylov text "Approximate Methods of Higher Analysis" details a scheme for approximating the solution of boundary value problems for homogeneous elliptic equations on plane regions. One example (Laplace's equation on a square) is laboriously provide...

Advanced Engineering Mathematics with Maple

Length: 54 Minutes
Presenter: Dr. Robert Lopez
Product: Maple

The post-calculus mathematical concepts and skills needed by the scientist or engineer are often learned piecemeal in a variety of courses scattered throughout various academic departments. Sometimes, a single course or sequence of courses called "Advanced Engineering Mathematics" contains this mate...

Estudos com EDPs com Maple-Parte 2: Equação de Laplace,Equação da Onda e Equação do Calor

Length: 55 Minutes
Presenter: Maplesoft
Product: Maple

Nessa apresentação, continuaresmos o estudo das EDPs lineares que são normalmente abordadas em cursos padrão de EDPs. Estudaremos suas soluções através dos comandos pré-determinados do Maple para tratar diversos problemas de valor inicial e de ...

Estudos com EDPs com Maple-Parte 1: Equação de Laplace,Equação da Onda e Equação do Calor

Length: 60 Minutes
Presenter: Maplesoft
Product: Maple

Nessa apresentação, estudaremos as EDPs que são normalmente abordadas em cursos padrão. Apresentaremos suas soluções através dos comandos pré-determinados do Maple para tratar diversos problemas de valor inicial e de contorno. Abordaremos as so...