Recorded Online Webinars - Engineering Webinars, Math Education Webinars - Maplesoft

Recorded Webinars

In-depth information and demonstrations of Maplesoft products

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A Syntax-Free Approach to the Student ODEs Package

Length: 57 Minutes
Presenter: Maplesoft
Product: Maple

The Student ODEs package, introduced in Maple 2021, was initially accessible only through its 13 commands. But these commands have many options, leading to entanglements in syntax that would tax both instructors and students. In Maple 2022, access to all the functionalities of the package was imp...

Maple Conference 2019 - PseudoLinearSystems: A Maple Package for Systems of Pseudo-Linear Equation

Length: 32 Minutes
Presenter: Moulay Barkatou, Thomas Cluzeau, and Ali El Hajj
Product: Maple

PseudoLinearSystems: A Maple Package for Studying Systems of Pseudo-Linear Equation presented by Moulay Barkatou, Thomas Cluzeau, and Ali El Hajj at the Maple Conference 2019.

Matrizes, Determinantes e Sistemas Lineares para o Ensino Médio com Maple

Length: 42 Minutes
Presenter: Maplesoft
Product: Maple

Nessa webinar, estudaremos as Matrizes, seus tipos, suas operações e suas aplicações em diversas áreas do conhecimento. Depois estudaremos os determinantes de matrizes de ordem 2, 3 e superiores. Por fim estudaremos os sistemas lineares e suas aplicaçõ...