Maple for Professionals: Calculation Management with Maple - Maplesoft
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New Release!

Maximize the Value of Your Calculation Efforts

Maple handles all your mathematical needs while enabling you to treat your calculations like the valuable assets they are.

Calculation Management & Advanced Computations

Maple is a software tool that combines a powerful mathematics engine with an interface that makes it easy to manage your calculations, so you can treat them like the valuable assets they are.

Powerful Mathematical Tool Icon

Powerful Mathematical Tool

Maple can handle all your mathematical needs, from performing simple calculations to advanced computations, visualizations, data analysis, and algorithm development. Learn more

Calculation Management Environment Icon

Calculation Management Environment

Maple provides an environment that helps you maximize the value of your calculation efforts. With Maple, you can easily validate, document, retain, reuse, and modify your calculations, reducing risk while saving time and effort in both current and future projects.Learn more

Questions about how Maple can be used within your organization?
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Calculations are a Vital Company Asset!

How much time has your company lost because a calculation was entered incorrectly, misplaced, misapplied, or had to be reconstructed because no one knew where it came from? Maple lets you treat your calculations as a vital company asset, so you can:

  • Avoid errors with easy validation of calculations.
  • Retain all the mathematics that went into your product in a single place, not scattered over notebooks, spreadsheets, napkins, and the project teams’ brains.
  • Always have a record of where “that” number came from, even long after the project is over.
  • Record underlying assumptions so you can recognize when a parameter value should and should not be used in new situations.
  • Retain vital project information long after the key engineer has left.
  • Prevent redundant calculation work.
  • Safely reuse and modify past calculations because you have a record of thinking behind the results.
Calculation Management Done Right
Let us show you how Maple can turn your calculations into a vital company asset
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See how electrical engineers use Maple to manage their calculations from start to finish for circuit analysis, electrical system modeling, and more.

Worst-Case Circuit Analysis

Signal Processing

Electrical Engineering Example
Learn more

See how mechanical engineers use Maple to manage their technical projects by using both symbolic and numeric math, a fully integrated units system, and more.

Reduce Downtime of Steam Turbines

Thermal Engineering Applications in Maple

Mechanical Engineering Example
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See how engineers use Maple for predictive modeling and simulation projects using statistical estimation, hypothesis testing and inference, and many more.

Solving Kinematics for Medical Robots

Optimizing Product Performance

Monte Carlo Analysis in Maple

Electrical Power Systems Engineering
Learn more

Related Products and Add-Ons


Reduce your model development time from months to days with MapleSim, the system-level modeling tool based on Maple.
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*Mathcad is a registered trademark of PTC Inc. or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and in other countries.