Waterloo, Canada; Aug. 24, 2022: Maplesoft™ today announced enhancements to the online math environment Maple Learn™, which gives educators a simple way to bring math to life in the classroom. Maple Learn is the premier environment for exploring concepts, solving problems, and creating rich online math content. Maplesoft recently incorporated an extensive collection of ready-made, customizable lessons, explorations, and examples into Maple Learn. This collection, combined with new content services that help instructors create custom content, means busy educators can transform their static math lessons into engaging, interactive experiences, whether their class is delivered in person or online.
Maplesoft does the work, instructors reap the benefits!
The Maple Learn content team is made up of experienced mathematicians and educators from around the world who are focused on developing interactive lessons that enable students to engage much more deeply with their course materials. The ever-growing collection of content they produce includes lessons, interactive concept explorations, examples, step-by-step solutions, practice quizzes, homework, and much more, and covers a wide range of topics from mathematics and math-based courses from high school onwards. Instructors appreciate the ability to customize the pre-built content, and the ease with which they can create their own materials. But since instructors are very busy people, the content team is also available to help schools implement their vision to convert their static curriculum into interactive lessons.
Math matters in almost every aspect of our daily lives…
"From disruptive advancements in technology to the sudden increase in remote learning and working, how we teach, learn, and do math is evolving rapidly, and Maplesoft is evolving right along with it," says Dr. Laurent Bernardin, President and CEO of Maplesoft. "Maple Learn, and its extensive content and supporting content services, are the next step in that evolution, ensuring that everyone who touches mathematics doesn’t just cope, but thrives in these changing times."
"Many instructors have told us how they’ve struggled with the shifting landscape of education prompted by the Covid-19 pandemic," says Karishma Punwani, Director of Product Management at Maplesoft. "In response, we’ve created Maple Learn to help schools amplify their mathematics teaching excellence by providing a flexible interactive environment for solving problems, a great platform for conceptual learning, and now, incredibly simple access to rich content and development and deployment solutions."
With Maple Learn content and the new content services, every math educator is just one discussion away from revolutionizing their classroom with Maple Learn!
About Maple Learn
Maple Learn is the premier online math environment for exploring concepts, solving problems, and creating rich, online content, transforming static lessons into engaging, interactive experiences. Unlike other online math tools, Maple Learn is designed to support the full learning experience. Maple Learn can be used to solve problems at the click of a button and create 2-D and 3-D plots, but also pose problems, ask questions, derive full solutions to examples and practice problems, write conclusions, explore changing parameters, investigate what-if scenarios, and more. Creating and sharing content is simple, making Maple Learn the easiest way for instructors to create rich, math-based content for their students to use online. With the addition of an extensive collection of ready-made, customizable content and content development services, even the busiest instructors can start using Maple Learn in their classes quickly.
Maple Learn handles math from high school to early university. It is especially suited for teaching and learning math courses in high school and in two year and technical colleges, math courses for non-math majors at university, and other courses that make frequent use of graphs and calculations, such as economics, business/finance, and physics. Maple Learn is free to use with a Basic account, and Premium subscriptions are available for individuals and classrooms.
Maple Learn is part of the Maple Mathematics Suite, a family of math software products that makes it extremely easy to explore, visualize, and solve mathematical problems from high school all the way through to graduate studies.
About Maplesoft
Mathematics powers our modern world. From optimizing crop yields, to designing sustainable products, to launching spacecraft, mathematics improves our lives and makes us safer, more efficient and more innovative.
Our mission at Maplesoft is to provide powerful technology to explore, derive, capture, solve and disseminate mathematical problems and their applications, and to make math easier to learn, understand, and use. We are helping more people tackle complex problems and we are driving research that pushes boundaries and advances the state of mathematics.
We are passionate about helping students, researchers, engineers and scientists take advantage of the power of math to enrich the world we live in. We believe that math matters and we are proud to be having a real impact on the world around us.