Technical Computing Whitepapers - Maplesoft
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A collection of whitepapers exploring topics in technical education and engineering


Conquering 7 Challenges of Math Education
Conquering 7 Challenges of Math Education - How Technology Helps You Help Your Students

Discover how technology can help you conquer many of the challenges you face every day when teaching math or subjects that rely on math. Read More

Whitepaper - Maple Flow vs Excel
Maple Flow vs Excel - Making your engineering calculations more productive

Learn how, with the right tools, you can arrive at the right solution faster, while minimizing errors and making the calculation documents easier to review and update. Read More

Whitepaper - Development of Real-Time Battery Models for HIL testing of Battery Management Systems (BMS)
Development of Real-Time Battery Models for HIL testing of Battery Management Systems (BMS)

Read about the development of a Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) testing system for Battery Management Systems (BMS) used in electrical energy storage products. Read More


Conquering 7 Challenges of Math Education
Discover how technology can help you conquer many of the challenges you face every day when teaching math or subjects that rely on math.

"I Could Have Used This When I Was In School": Stories From The Maple-Deprived
Discover some of the many different ways Maple can make a difference to students, through the eyes of people who didn’t have Maple in school, but wished they had!

From Street Fighting to Santa Claus: Having Fun with Math and Maple
Students know that math is important and serious and useful. When you combine Maple with creativity, you can also show them that math is fun.

How to Give Your Students Coding Experience Without Turning Your World Upside Down
More and more, students are looking for coding experience even when they are not studying computer science. But in a post-secondary institution, how do you give your students the opportunities they need when they aren’t taking a programming course? And how to you do it in a way that supports their overall learning, not detracts from it?

Not Using Maple 2018 Yet? See What You’ve Been Missing
Explore some of what has gone into Maple over the last three major releases.

Clickable Math: Easy to Do, Easy to Learn, Easy to Teach
Educational tools must have the capabilities to offer quick and easy access in conjunction with powerful technology and user-friendly features. This is especially true when it comes to STEM education. Such tools offer instructors the ability to better engage their students and foster a deeper understanding of key concepts and course materials.

Math Just Clicks
As the delivery of education continues to evolve, it is essential to develop technology tools that offer access to a wide range of information and learning materials, presented within a convenient and user-friendly environment.

Maple Creates Better Teaching and Learning Experiences
Technology provides the means through which a large number of today’s students prefer to learn. Most have been using technology since early childhood and they expect to see it used in the classroom as well.

An Introduction to the Unparalleled Computational Physics Package from Maple
The Physics Package within Maple was designed exclusively for physicists by physicists. It seeks to decrease the reliance on pencil and paper so that physicists can focus more on ideas, rather than the underlying mathematical calculations.

Integrating Maple into the Math Curriculum: A Systematic Guide
This whitepaper is your step-by-step guide to implementing Maple in your classroom.

The Next Phase of Technology in Math Education: What Happens When Math Software is Truly Easy to Use?
This article examines the rise, decline, and resurgence of the use of computer algebra systems (CAS) in the mathematics classroom.

Software Solutions to Enhance Statistics Education
Maple, a powerful, flexible environment that will enhance your statistics classroom.

Making Sense out of Engineering Modeling and Mathematics: The Maplesoft Vision for Engineering Education
Maplesoft’s vision: Advanced modeling tools that increase research efficiency and help undergraduates gain insight into system modeling.

MapleCloud™: Bringing Your Maple Applications Online
Explores some of the capabilities of the MapleCloud and how MapleCloud applications can support education.


Maple Flow vs Excel - Making your engineering calculations more productive
This paper shows 4 key areas where engineers can improve their productivity and workflow by switching to Maple Flow from Excel.

Nine Calculations Every Power Systems Engineer Should Know
Learn how calculation management software can help power systems engineers with their most important calculations.

Model-Based Systems Engineering: How to Drive Enterprise-Wide Adoption
Learn how a document-centric approach to systems engineering can often fail companies, and why adopting a model-centric approach, with integrated design tools, will improve the likelihood of success.

From Vision to Reality: How to Implement Model-Based Systems Engineering
See how to overcome the most common challenges when implementing a model-based systems engineering approach at your company

Generate Captivating Visualizations with Maple
Learn how to create high-impact visuals to communicate your engineering data

Why These Five Mathcad® Users Switched to Maple
Discover what made electrical, mechanical, civil, acoustic and chemical engineers move from Mathcad to Maple

An Excel-based MBSE Tool for Knowledge Sharing and Collaboration across the Enterprise
Learn how MapleMBSE helps strengthen communication and model-based systems engineering processes across the enterprise.

Virtual Commissioning Using the B&R MapleSim Connector
See virtual commissioning in practice using the new B&R MapleSim Connector.

Engineers - Stop using Excel Before You Make an Expensive Error!
This whitepaper explores why Excel is such a popular calculation tool, and, on the flip-side, why you should stop using Excel for anything more than bookkeeping.

Using Battery Models to Optimize Performance
Learn ways that system-level modeling helped companies adopt clean energy solutions with less risk.

Signal Processing with Maple
Discover the key features of Maple’s signal processing tools including signal generation, resampling, filtering and visualization.

Stories from Industry: Calculation Management Done Right
In this whitepaper, learn the stories of companies that used Maple to take a more robust approach to calculation management.

Stories from Industry: Model-Based Approaches to Energy Management
Learn how system-level modeling helped create more efficient products for three different companies in the energy industry.

Reduce Calculation Risk with Units-Aware Math Software
Learn how units-aware math software can help you remove the risk of miscalculations, ensure units are simplified, easily spot unit inconsistencies and more.

Why You Can’t Afford to Ignore Virtual Commissioning
Learn about advances in modeling technology that make virtual commissioning a realistic option, even for smaller automation companies.

Virtual Commissioning with a Model-Driven Digital Twin
In the manufacturing and automation industry, adopting new development techniques has become a key requirement for success in a highly-evolving, competitive market.

Engineers - Stop Doing Algebra by Hand!
Manual equation manipulation is labor intensive, time consuming, and notoriously prone to error. Simply put, doing algebra by hand is expensive. When faced with expensive processes, engineers find ways to mechanize and cut costs. Math should be no different.

Stories from Industry: Doing System-Level Modeling for the First Time
Engineers across all industries and disciplines are often limited by their lack of modern design tools, but making a change can be difficult. Innovating using traditional processes always comes with a cost, and it’s all too easy to focus on the cost of change instead of the opportunities, however substantial.

Calculation Management Done Right
In the marketplace of technical products, growing competition has required faster design cycles and iterations in almost every sector. Companies take great steps to invest in their most important assets - namely, the products they deliver.

Unlocking Commercial Knowledge
How System-Level Modeling forms the Basis for High-Performance, Low-Risk Designs

Industry 4.0 and the Power of the Digital Twin
The world of industrial automation is undergoing a major transformation to the Next Industrial Revolution, or Industry 4.0.

Searching, Exploring and Visualizing Data using Maple
With the ever-expanding sea of available data and data repositories, navigating the vast quantities of information can be a difficult task. Maple, the advanced computing software from Maplesoft, is a powerful, interactive data visualization tool.

Maple Used to Help Develop Model of Ultrasonic Motor for Controller Design
Ultrasonic motors, used in cameras and other applications, present unique modeling challenges. The phenomena created in which ultrasonic waves with high frequencies are produced are difficult to capture in a model.

MapleSim, Maple and the MapleSim Control Design Toolbox Used to Design an LQR Controller for a Quadrocopter
Maplesoft’s suite of tools for modeling and analyzing engineering systems creates a robust simulation environment in which a detailed plant model of a quadrocopter can be used for LQR controller development and testing.

Symbolic Techniques for Model Code Optimization: FMI Applications
Symbolic technology provides a physical modeling technique that significantly improves model fidelity without sacrificing performance. In this paper, this approach is illustrated using examples that take advantage of the FMI standard for model exchange and co-simulation.

The Role of Multidomain Dynamic Models for Functional Verification in Model-Based Systems Engineering
Model-based systems engineering (MBSE) is becoming increasingly popular as a means to manage the design complexities, risks and costs associated with the design and development process.

Model-Driven Innovation
The Model-Driven Innovation approach, and its emphasis on employing virtual prototyping at the system-level, is an invaluable technique when designing complex systems.

Is Excel® Hindering Your Engineering Projects?
Dedicated mathematical software like Maple provides a state-of-the-art environment for advanced engineering calculations.

Slow Hand, On Demand: The Rise of Engineering Services
Examining the recent growth of the engineering consulting business

From Concept to Deployment: Preserve Knowledge, Manage Innovation, Accelerate Solution Development
Learn how technical organizations use and benefit from Maple.

MapleSim: Technical Superiority in Multi-Domain Physical Modeling and Simulation
Discover how MapleSim is uniquely designed to handle sophisticated systems to minimize your development time and costs.

Technical Knowledge: An Asset You Can Afford to Lose?
Beyond productivity, the use of tools that "do math" brings many other advantages to the technical organization.

Maplesoft Software Used in Advanced Engineering Research
This article illustrates how engineering researchers are making significant strides in their work with the help of Maplesoft technology.

Sustainable Engineering Triggers Advancements in Engineering Modeling
Green design has left the periphery of modern engineering and is now a dominant influence in contemporary engineering, often even the most important factor.

Modelica: Le nouveau standard pour la modélisation des systèmes d’ingénierie

Modelica: The New Standard for Modeling Engineering Systems
Modelica® is the emerging standard for describing system-level models, and a strong ecosystem is developing around the Modelica standard.

Top 6 Tips for Faster Smarter Civil Engineering Calculation Sheets
In this whitepaper, we outline six tips that every civil engineer should apply when creating calculation sheets in engineering calculation software.

Virtual Commissioning: Speeding Up Automation Testing and Validation using MapleSim and Studio 5000
This report shows how control engineers can get performance feedback at an earlier stage of development and can speed up the automation testing by using workflow connectors between MapleSim and Studio 5000.

Electrical Engineering Software: Calculation Management for Electrical Engineers
Electrical engineers are a unique breed. Their work is mathematically demanding, and they constantly face challenging technical problems. Math software and spreadsheets are often used to support the calculations at the core of their analyses. However, calculations aren't just a collection of isolated mathematical operations; they need to exist in a structured, managed environment.

Using Virtual Commissioning for a New, Competitive Injection Molding Machine
Virtual commissioning can help companies explore, test, and validate new designs, all while reducing the time and money spent on product development.

Mean-Value Internal Combustion Engine Model : Simulink® S-Function Generation from MapleSim
Learn how the MapleSim Connector converts high-fidelity models to S-Function blocks for easy export to Simulink.

Using the MapleSim Battery Library to Develop Mathematical Models for Energy Storage Applications
In this paper, effective and systematic steps in the mathematical modeling of high-fidelity battery models for simulating energy storage systems (ESS) will be presented.

Model-Based Thermal Design for Smaller, Efficient Electronic Devices
Learn about thermal management in electronic devices using the Thermal Network Method and system-level modeling tools.

Calculation Management Software for Chemical Engineers
Learn how chemical engineers use software, like Maple, for calculation management, transforming isolated analyses into reusable, extensible assets.

Calculation Management Software for Electrical Engineers
Learn how electrical engineers use software, like Maple, for calculation management, transforming isolated analyses into reusable, extensible assets.

Thermal Engineering Analysis with Maple
Learn how Maple can be applied to thermal engineering analysis, assisting in applications.

Developing a Robot Model using System-Level Design
This paper uses NAO, the humanoid robot from Aldebaran Systems, to demonstrate how MapleSim can be used to develop a robot model, and how the model can be further analyzed using the symbolic computation engine within Maple.

Advanced System Level Modeling of Complex Machines
This article illustrates how engineers involved in the design of complex machines are making significant strides in their work with the help of the Maplesoft Engineering Solutions team.

Model-Driven Innovation in Machine Design
How virtual prototyping and dynamic load analysis can help you to reduce machine design costs and get to market faster.

Nonlinear Model Predictive Control - Model-Based Automatic Code Generation
This technical whitepaper presents an automatic workflow for implementing MPC controllers.

Development of Real-Time Battery Models for HIL testing of Battery Management Systems (BMS)
In this paper we will cover the development of a Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) testing system for the Battery Management Systems (BMS) used in one of our client's larger electrical energy storage products, targeting the Smart Grid and UPS markets.

Modern techniques bring system-level modeling to the automation industry
This paper highlights how the modern technologies incorporated in MapleSim benefit system-level design in general.

Changing Face Of Robotics
Mechatronics and symbolic model formulation techniques are driving innovation in the robotics field, from humanoid robots to autonomous cars, and beyond.

Advanced Symbolic and Numeric Techniques for Machine Vibration Analysis
This paper illustrates some of the advantages of using sophisticated lumped mass models combined with experimental measurements for vibration analysis.

Inverse Kinematic Problem Solving: A Symbolic Approach Using MapleSim and Maple
Discover how to obtain a symbolic solution to the inverse kinematics problem for a Stewart-Gough parallel link manipulator using tools available in MapleSim.

Discretizing PDEs for MapleSim
This paper uses the heat equation to illustrate the process, showing how it can be discretized with the finite difference method in Maple for simulation in MapleSim.

Battery Design Innovation: Modeling and Simulation of Electric Vehicles
When it comes to the simulation of electric vehicles, the industry is faced with major economic pressures to increase battery energy density
and reduce costs.

Employing Brake Specific Fuel Consumption (BSFC) to Derive Optimal Operating Points of an Engine
MapleSim Used to Develop Optimized Powertrain Control Strategy Based on BSFC

Holistic Virtual Testing and Analysis of a Concept Hybrid Electric Vehicle Model
In this paper, the development, integration, and analysis of a hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) using system level virtual testing will be presented.

Event Handling for Real-time Simulation with Hybrid Systems
This whitepaper will introduce a new approach to handle events which is needed to simulate hybrid systems in a more stable and accurate manner. The approach is designed for a fixed-step numerical integration solver for real-time simulation applications.

Gear Shift Modeling and Analysis for Automatic Transmissions in MapleSim
This paper discusses how a model created in MapleSim can be used to investigate the effects of changes in the applied pressure on the quality of an automatic transmission’s gear shift process.

Integrated Powertrain Control with Maple and MapleSim: Optimal Engine Operating Points
Discover how Maple and MapleSim can effectively capture, model and build-on to complex engineering modeling and dynamic problems.

Driving Innovation in Vehicle Dynamics
High performance physical modeling and simulation increases efficiency and productivity in vehicle design.

Transmission Modeling and Simulation with MapleSim
MapleSim allows you to mix the best of physical models and empirical data to maximize model fidelity, optimize your designs, and improve overall vehicle fuel-efficiency.

Transmission Modeling and Simulation: Key to Reducing Power Loss
Transmission modeling and simulation provide a means of reducing the number of physical prototypes that must be built during the design of a transmission.

Optimus steers multi-domain system simulation towards optimized hybrid electric vehicle design
With MapleSim mastering HEV modeling and Optimus controlling simulation workflow execution, design optimization only lasted two weeks.

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