Description - The RootFinding:-Isolate command can now be used to isolate the roots of univariate polynomials with arbitrary real coefficients.
Isolating roots of univariate polynomials with real coefficients - Prior to 2019, RootFinding:-Isolate could only determine the roots of polynomials with rational or float coefficients. This restriction is now lifted for univariate polynomials:
> |
Isolate(sqrt(2)*x^2 - Pi*x - exp(2)); |
- In particular, Isolate can now be used to find roots of polynomials with algebraic coefficients. We illustrate this in an example where we manually study the real solutions of a bivariate equation system of the form
> |
F := (2*x^2*y - 2*x^2 - 3*x + y^3 - 33*y + 32) * ((x-2)^2 + y^2 + 3): |
> |
G := (x^2 + y^2 - 23) * (x^2 + y^2 + 2): |
- The common roots of both polynomials are the intersections of their corresponding algebraic curves:
> |
plots[implicitplot]([F = 0, G = 0], x=-16..16, y=-7..6, color=["Teal", "Red"], gridrefine=2, scaling=constrained, size=[0.7,0.35]); |
- Elimination theory for algebraic equation systems tells us that all x-coordinates of the common solutions are roots of the resultant polynomial of
and with respect to :
> |
R := resultant(F, G, y): |
- This resultant is a univariate polynomial with irrational roots, some of which may be complex. The roots are candidate values for the x-coordinate of simultaneous solutions. Note that we store symbolic expressions for the solutions, not just approximations:
> |
candidates := sort([RealDomain[solve](R)], key=evalf): |
- However, some of the candidates might be spurious. We can use the new interface for RootFinding:-Isolate to determine the roots along the fibers of
and when we substitute the candidates:
- Indeed, there is a common solution close to
, :
> |
is(RootOf(fa, y, -0.03) = RootOf(ga, y, -0.03)); |
- However, let's look at the candidate at
- This clearly is a spurious candidate; the roots of
and are distinct.
- The example code above can help to filter spurious solutions, but it is not a complete solver for bivariate systems; it allows to filter out suspicious candidates, but does not validate all solutions. Such verification is provided by the multivariate solvers in the RootFinding package:
- However, the multivariate polynomial solver requires coefficients of type numeric (that is, rationals or floats). Consider the case where we slightly change
by replacing with in the last term:
> |
F := (2*x^2*y - 2*x^2 - 3*x + y^3 - 33*y + 32) * ((x-2)^2 + y^2 + Pi): |
Error, (in RootFinding:-Isolate) polynomials to be solved must have numeric coefficients |
- The more naive approach above, while uncertified, will work nevertheless:
> |
R := resultant(F, G, y): |
> |
candidates := sort([RealDomain[solve](R)], key=evalf): |
- Finally, we show how the combination of the constraints and output options of RootFinding:-Isolate can provide certified information, and will allow us to programmatically exclude spurious candidates even with irrational coefficients.
> |
rts_fb, gb_at_rts_fb := Isolate(fb, constraints=[gb], output=interval): |
> |
contains_zero := iv -> evalb(iv[1] <= 0 and iv[2] >= 0): |
> |
seq(contains_zero(rhs(gb_at_rts_fb[i][1])), i=1..nops(rts_fb)); |
- Indeed,
evaluated over all isolating intervals for does not contain zero, which confirms that and have no common zero at . In contrast,
> |
rts_fa, ga_at_rts_fa := Isolate(fa, constraints=[ga], output=interval): |
> |
seq(contains_zero(rhs(ga_at_rts_fa[i][1])), i=1..nops(rts_fa)); |
- shows that
, evaluated at the isolating intervals for the root of , contains zero. This still does not validate the simultaneous zero of both systems, but is a strong hint. Techniques along these lines can serve to filter candidates numerically before trying time-consuming symbolic simplification and zero-testing, and can be used as cornerstones for complete solvers.
- Note that the aforementioned routines crucially rely on inputs that are served as symbolic expressions rather than approximations:
> |
fapx := subs(x=apx, F): |
> |
gapx := subs(x=apx, G): |
> |
rts_fapx, gapx_at_rts_fapx := Isolate(fapx, constraints=[gapx], output=interval): |
> |
seq(contains_zero(rhs(gapx_at_rts_fapx[i][1])), i=1..nops(rts_fapx)); |
- Even a tiny perturbation of the candidate solution in
will produce distinct roots of and in . Thus, the direct handling of arbitrary real coefficients is not only convenient, but required for correctness.
Performance improvements for root isolation and root refinement
- The new default algorithm of Isolate also features vastly improved performance for ill-conditioned polynomials with clustered roots. The root finding method eventually converges quadratically to regions containing roots, rather than just linearly. For example, the following class of polynomials has a cluster of roots extremely close to
> |
mig := n -> x^n - (nextprime(2^100)*x^2 - 1)^2: |
> |
time(Isolate(mig(10))); |
> |
time(Isolate(mig(10), method=RS)); |
> |
time(Isolate(mig(50))); |
> |
time(Isolate(mig(50), method=RS)); |
> |
time(Isolate(mig(100))); |
> |
time(Isolate(mig(100), method=RS)); |
> |
time(Isolate(mig(200))); |
> |
timelimit(600, Isolate(mig(200), method=RS)); |
- The same technique allows even more dramatic improvements for root finding requests with high accuracy even on well-conditioned problems:
> |
f := add(rand(-1. .. 1.)() * x^i, i=0..100): |
> |
time(Isolate(f, digits=100)); |
> |
time(Isolate(f, digits=100, method=RS)); |
> |
time(Isolate(f, digits=1000)); |
> |
time(Isolate(f, digits=1000, method=RS)); |
> |
time(Isolate(f, digits=10000)); |
> |
timelimit(600, Isolate(f, digits=10000, method=RS)); |