Calling Sequence
RationalCanonicalForm[1](F, n)
RationalCanonicalForm[2](F, n)
RationalCanonicalForm[3](F, n)
RationalCanonicalForm[4](F, n)
rational function of n
Let F be a rational function of n over a field K of characteristic 0. The RationalCanonicalForm[i](F,n) calling sequence constructs the ith rational canonical forms for F, .
If the RationalCanonicalForm command is called without an index, the first rational canonical form is constructed.
The output is a sequence of 5 elements , called , where z is an element of K, and are monic polynomials over K such that:
for all integers k.
, .
Note: E is the automorphism of K(n) defined by .
The five-tuple that satisfies the three conditions is a strict rational normal form for F. The rational functions and are called the kernel and the shell of an , respectively.
Let be any RNF of a rational function F. Then the degrees of the polynomials r and s are unique, and have minimal possible values in the sense that if where p, q are polynomials in n, and G is a rational function of n, then and .
If then is minimal.
If then is minimal.
If then is minimal, and under this condition, is minimal.
If then is minimal, and under this condition, is minimal.
| (1) |
| (2) |
| (3) |
| (4) |
| (5) |
| (6) |
| (7) |
Check the result from RationalCanonicalForm[1].
Condition 1 is satisfied.
Condition 2 is satisfied.
Condition 3 is satisfied.
Degrees of the kernel:
The degree of v1 is minimal.
The degree of u2 is minimal.
For , the degree of the shell is minimal.
Abramov, S.A.; Le, H.Q.; and Petkovsek, M. "Rational Canonical Forms and Efficient Representations of Hypergeometric Terms." Proc. ISSAC'2003, pp. 7-14. 2003.
Abramov, S.A., and Petkovsek, M. "Canonical representations of hypergeometric terms." Proc. FPSAC'2001, pp. 1-10. 2001.