Powerful math software that is easy to use
• Maple for Academics • Maple for Students • Maple Learn • Maple Calculator App • Maple for Industry and Government • Maple Flow • Maple for Individuals
For many years, technology has proved its usefulness in the mathematics classroom. Advances in symbolic computation and user interface design have resulted in tools that make it easy for instructors and students to explore concepts, experiment with ‘what if’ scenarios, visualize results, and solve engaging real-world problems. Statistics classrooms have also made use of technology, but unfortunately many of the traditional tools are harder to use, less advanced, or less flexible than those available for mathematics, making it more difficult for both students and instructors to achieve the same benefits.
With the ever-expanding sea of available data and data repositories, navigating the vast quantities of information can be a difficult task. Maple, the advanced computing software from Maplesoft, is a powerful, interactive data visualization tool.