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The Explore function provides an easy-to-use tool for creating interactive applications within the current document or worksheet. Maple 2016 introduces significant updates and additions:


Simplified calling sequence

Name resolution

TextArea controllers for evaluating at custom values of a parameter

Controller customization

Optional Controller placement on top

Recording plots

Color customization

Exploration alignment and width

Table and component borders

Simplified calling sequence

Parameters which take on values from a numeric range or a list can now be specified more simply, without using the parameters option of the Explore command. This makes Explore easier to use, in the simplest cases.

For example, in previous versions the following example would require a more verbose argument, such as parameters=n=1.. 6.

Explore factorsumin,i=1.. N, n=1.. 6 



Exploreplotsinaxx,x=3π..3π, a=1.0..5.0



Parameters with a list of values can also be used with this shorter calling sequence. This calling sequence also works in the mixed case of some additional parameters being specified in more detail using the parameters option.

Exploreplotsinaxx, x=3 π..3 π, color=Color, linestyle=Linestyle,                 Linestyle=dashdot, dot,dash,solid, Color=gold, blue, red ,                 parameters=a=1.0..5.0, placement=right, orientation=vertical,                 placement=bottom 







Name resolution

The Explore command has special evaluation rules, and its first argument expr is not evaluated before the Explore command has the opportunity to examine it. This is an important mechanism, and is central to how Explore can accept, for example, a plotting command containing unassigned parameters.

In the following example, the standalone call to plot fails to produce a meaningful plot since the parameter a has no assigned numeric value. As expected, an empty plot is produced, along with a warning about the presence of the unassigned name a.

The Explore command accommodates this by not evaluating the explored command until it has numeric values for a.

Explore plotsinax, x=π..π, size=400,200, a=1.0 .. 5.0 



In versions previous to Maple 2016, all exploration parameters had to be explicitly given in expr in order for the exploration to work as expected. That is, if you had assigned w to sinax in the preceding example and then tried to explore w, you would have received unintended results or a warning about the unexpected presence of the name w. Therefore, in order to explore an expression that depended on a previously assigned name, it was necessary to use a more involved process, such as using a custom procedure that accepted a as its parameter and would resolve w during its execution.






FprocA  plotevalw,a=A, x=π..π, size=400,200 end proc:

ExploreFa, parameters=a=1.0 .. 5.0



(Note that this embedded exploration will not continue to work after a restart, unless F is also reassigned with the intended procedure and w is also assigned with its intended value.)

In Maple 2016 the name w is resolved to its assigned value by Explore, while the plotting command is still usefully left evaluated until parameter name a gets its numeric values. This eliminates the need for a custom procedure. Also note that the following exploration will continue to operate as intended after a restart.

Exploreplotw, x=π..π, size=400,200, parameters=a=1.0 .. 5.0 



Names are resolved, recursively, to algebraic expressions involving other names. However, resolution of a name is not done if the value of the name is a Matrix/Vector/Array with hardware datatype or something of type last_name_eval, such as a procedure. Hence in the previous example the assigned name F is not resolved and replaced, since its value is a procedure.

TextArea controllers for evaluating at custom values of a parameter

With a TextArea controller the value for a parameter can be any custom value or expression. In the following exploration, type a value in the embedded TextArea component for parameter A, and then press the Enter key to update the plot.

For example, the supplied value could be sqrt(2), or an expression in x such as x^2.

Explore plotsinA2x, x=0..2π, parameters=A, controller=textarea , initialvalues=A=1.0 





Controller customization

Parameters given using the parameters option can be further specified with optional arguments that are valid for the constructor of the relevant controller.

In the following example, the continuous option of the Slider component is used. The effect is that when the Slider is moved manually using the mouse pointer, the plot will not recompute and update until the sliding movement is finished.

Exploreplotcosax,x=π..π, parameters=a=1.0..5.0, continuous=false



In the following example the options startangle, anglerange, majorticks, height, and width are passed through to the Dial programmatic constructor.

Explore plotsinshift50150+x, x=π..π, loop, numframes=50, size=600,200,                  parameters=shift=0..2π, controller=dial, startangle=0, anglerange=360, majorticks=π2+0.001,height=100, width=100 



In the next example the tooltip option is passed to the programmatic constructor of the controller component, which by default is a Slider.

In the following exploration, hovering over the Slider component with the mouse pointer will reveal the tooltip string.

Explore plotAsinx, x=π..π, view=4..4, parameters=A=4.0..4.0, tooltip=vertical scaling factor 



The component identity and the action code for the controllers cannot be specified in this way, and are set internally by the Explore command.

Optional Controller placement on top


Explore plot3d xa2siny,x=4..4, y=π..π, view=40..40, a=2.0..2.0,  placement=top 



Recording plots


The new recordto and autorecord options provide the ability to assign plots generated by the exploration into a named table. The entries of the table can then be played in sequence as an animation outside of the exploration using the animation toolbar.

The recording state can be toggled on or off, or the name of the table can be unassigned, using two new buttons which appear in the exploration whenever the recordto option is supplied. The round button toggles recording on an off. The square button unassigns the name to which the table is assigned.

The saved plots are indexed in the table in the order they are generated.

None of the Explore parameters have to be specified with the animate option, in order to record. Manually adjusting any of the controllers which causes a new plot to be generated will also cause that plot to be saved if the record button is toggled on (solid red).


Explore plotsina*x, x=Pi..Pi, a=1.0..3.0,recordto='myanim', autorecord, autorun, numframes=10




Color customization


The new fillcolor, fontcolor, and componentbackground options provide the ability to customize the colors in the exploration. The values of these options can be any named color known to the plot command, or a list of three positive integers representing a color in the RGB color space.


Explore plot3d sina*x*y^2, x = Pi..Pi, y = 1..1, axis = color=cyan, view = 1..1 ,                 a = 1..5, componentbackground = Black, fillcolor = LightBlue, fontcolor = DarkBlue 



Exploration alignment and width


The new option tablealignment specifies the horizontal placement in the document of the Table containing the exploration. By default, the exploration is centered horizontally.

Explore plot3dax+y2,x=1..1, y=1..1,view=0..16, a=3.0..3.0, tablealignment=left



The new options width and widthmode specify the horizontal size of the exploration in the document.

The widthmode option denotes how the width option is interpreted. With widthmode=pixels the width option specifies the number of pixels wide the exploration is, at default 100% zoom level. In this case the exploration Table will not automatically resize horizontally when the document's window is manually resized using the mouse pointer. With widthmode=percentage the width option specifies the percentage of the current document window's width that the exploration will occupy horizontally. In this case the exploration's Table will automatically resize when the document's window is manually resized using the mouse pointer.

Explore plotax2,x=1..1, view=3.. 3, a=3.0 .. 3.0, widthmode=pixels, width=300



Explore plotax2sinx,x=1..1, view=3.. 3, a=3.0 .. 3.0, widthmode=percentage, width=40



Table and component borders

Several qualities of the borders in the exploration can be specified in Maple 2016.

The exterior border of the outermost Table can be displayed, or not, using the new tableborders option.


Explore plotsina*x*x^2, x=Pi..Pi, view=10..10, size=500,200, a=5.0..15.0,                 placement=top, tableborders=false 



The borders surrounding the PlotComponent (or MathContainer) can be displayed, or not, using the new componentborders option.

Explore plotsina*x*x^2, x=Pi..Pi, view=10..10, size=500,200, a=5.0..15.0,                 placement=top, tableborders=false, componentborders=true 



Interior borders of a Table that are not displayed have three modes of behavior when the mouse cursor temporarily hovers over the Table. They can be revealed in light gray by respecting the property of the worksheet, never revealed, or always revealed. These choices can now be specified using the new showhiddenborders option. The default for an exploration embedded into the current worksheet is to never reveal these interior Table borders.

When the mouse cursor hovers over the Tables of the following exploration the interior borders will be revealed in light gray.

Explore plotsina*x*x^2, x=Pi..Pi, view=10..10, size=500,200, a=5.0..15.0,                 showhiddenborders=always



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