
Maple and Maple T.A. Resources

Instructors and Administrators

Maplesoft provides many free resources to assist educators in providing an engaging, effective learning experience for their students. Here are a few that you may not be aware of:

Free Training

As a Maple campus, get special access to Maplesoft experts. Sign up for a free, customized training session, online or onsite!

Frequently Asked Questions
How are other instructors using Maple and Maple T.A.?
Can I request free posters to decorate my classroom?
Who is my site license administrator?

Teacher Resource Center

Download free Maple and Maple T.A. materials to help engage students, reinforce concepts, and increase understanding.

Maple T.A. Question Content

Thousands of questions are available for you to use and customize within your Maple T.A. implementation.

Training Videos

These training videos provide a quick way to learn some of the basic concepts for using Maple and Maple T.A.

Maple Quick Start Tutorial

The Maple Quick Start Tutorial Guide provides a comprehensive overview of fundamental Maple concepts and techniques.

Maple Application Center

Find thousands of fully worked out Maple applications covering hundreds of topics from math, science, and engineering.

Live and Recorded Webinars

Learn more about Maplesoft and what our products and technology can do for you by attending a live webinar or watching a recording of one you missed.

Do you need a hand-out you can print and give to your students to help them get started with Maple? Click here to download the “Maple Training Materials” printable flyer.

Hands-On Tutorials

In addition to the Maple Quick Start Tutorial Guide, Maple provides numerous step-by-step tutorials which you can work through yourself, inside Maple. These tutorials are part of the Maple Portal, which is designed as a starting place for any Maple user.

Access the Maple Portal through the Maple Portal desktop icon. Alternatively, in Maple, select: Help > Manuals, Resources, and More > Maple Portal, or enter ?MaplePortal into a Maple worksheet.


Whether you are just getting started or are already a Maple or Maple T.A. expert, there are many free resources available to help you get the most out of your experience.

Maple Quick Start Tutorial

Get off to a good start with this comprehensive overview of fundamental Maple concepts and techniques.

Student Help Center

Get up to speed quickly and fully command the power of Maple.

Student Training Videos

Learn how to use Maple to solve common math problems from differential and integral calculus, linear algebra, and multivariate calculus.

Maple T.A. Beginner's Guide for Students

This guide will help you with every aspect of Maple T.A., from logging in the first time, to taking assignments and viewing your grades.

Do you need a quick printout you can use as a reference? Click here to download the “Maple Training Materials” printable flyer.


Hands-On “How do I…?”

The Maple Portal for Students acts as a starting point for hundreds of common tasks from mathematics courses, and anticipates the question “How do I ...” in Maple. Instructions and pointers are given for a huge variety of tasks, such as factoring polynomials, creating animations, differentiating expressions, obtaining the real part of a complex number, fitting a regression model to data, finding the great common denominator of integers, and much more.

Access the Maple Portal through the Maple Portal desktop icon. Alternatively, in Maple, select: Help > Manuals, Resources, and More > Maple Portal, or enter ?MaplePortal into a Maple worksheet.