Maple and Maple T.A. Resources
Instructors and Administrators
Maplesoft provides many free resources to assist educators in providing an engaging, effective learning experience for their students. Here are a few that you may not be aware of: |
As a Maple campus, get special access to Maplesoft experts. Sign up for a free, customized training session, online or onsite! |
Download free Maple and Maple T.A. materials to help engage students, reinforce concepts, and increase understanding. |
Thousands of questions are available for you to use and customize within your Maple T.A. implementation. |
These training videos provide a quick way to learn some of the basic concepts for using Maple and Maple T.A. |
The Maple Quick Start Tutorial Guide provides a comprehensive overview of fundamental Maple concepts and techniques. |
Find thousands of fully worked out Maple applications covering hundreds of topics from math, science, and engineering. |
Learn more about Maplesoft and what our products and technology can do for you by attending a live webinar or watching a recording of one you missed. |
Do you need a hand-out you can print and give to your students to help them get started with Maple? Click here to download the “Maple Training Materials” printable flyer. |
Hands-On Tutorials
In addition to the Maple Quick Start Tutorial Guide, Maple provides numerous step-by-step tutorials which you can work through yourself, inside Maple. These tutorials are part of the Maple Portal, which is designed as a starting place for any Maple user.
Access the Maple Portal through the Maple Portal desktop icon. Alternatively, in Maple, select: Help > Manuals, Resources, and More > Maple Portal, or enter ?MaplePortal into a Maple worksheet. |
Whether you are just getting started or are already a Maple or Maple T.A. expert, there are many free resources available to help you get the most out of your experience.
Get off to a good start with this comprehensive overview of fundamental Maple concepts and techniques. |
Get up to speed quickly and fully command the power of Maple. |
Learn how to use Maple to solve common math problems from differential and integral calculus, linear algebra, and multivariate calculus. |
This guide will help you with every aspect of Maple T.A., from logging in the first time, to taking assignments and viewing your grades. |
Do you need a quick printout you can use as a reference? Click here to download the “Maple Training Materials” printable flyer. |
Hands-On “How do I…?”
The Maple Portal for Students acts as a starting point for hundreds of common tasks from mathematics courses, and anticipates the question “How do I ...” in Maple. Instructions and pointers are given for a huge variety of tasks, such as factoring polynomials, creating animations, differentiating expressions, obtaining the real part of a complex number, fitting a regression model to data, finding the great common denominator of integers, and much more.
Access the Maple Portal through the Maple Portal desktop icon. Alternatively, in Maple, select: Help > Manuals, Resources, and More > Maple Portal, or enter ?MaplePortal into a Maple worksheet. |