Overview of the GF (Galois Field) Package
Calling Sequence
GF(p, k, a)
prime integer
positive integer
(optional) irreducible polynomial of degree k over the integers mod p
The GF command returns a module G of procedures and constants for doing arithmetic in the finite field GF(p^k), a Galois Field with elements. The field GF(p^k) is defined by the field extension GF(p)[x]/(a) where a is an irreducible polynomial of degree k over the integers mod p.
If a is not specified, an irreducible polynomial of degree k over the integers mod p is chosen at random. It can be accessed as the constant G:-extension. The elements of GF(p^k) are represented using the representation.
First, you need to define an instance of a Galois field using, for example, G := GF(2, 3). This defines all operations for G, the field of characteristic 2 with 8 elements.
The G:-input and G:-output commands convert from an integer in the range to the corresponding polynomial and back. Alternatively, G:-ConvertIn and G:-ConvertOut convert an element from GF(p^k) to a Maple sum of products, a univariate polynomial where the variable used is that given in the argument a. Otherwise the name `?` is used.
Arithmetic in the field is defined by the following functions. G:-`+`, G:-`-`, G:-`*`, G:-`^`, G:-inverse, G:-`/`
Field arithmetic can be written very naturally by using a use statement; see the examples below.
The additive and multiplicative identities are given by G:-zero and G:-one.
The G:-trace, G:-norm, and G:-order commands compute the trace, norm and multiplicative order of an element from GF(p^k) respectively.
The G:-random command returns a random element from GF(p^k).
The G:-PrimitiveElement command generates a primitive element at random.
The G:-isPrimitiveElement command tests whether an element from GF(p^k) is a primitive element, being a generator for the multiplicative group GF(p^k) - {0}.
For backwards compatibility, exports of the module returned by the GF command can also be accessed by indexed notation, such as G[':-ConvertIn']. However, using the more modern form G:-ConvertIn, you do not need to quote the name to avoid evaluation.
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The use statement, if used carefully, can make arithmetic operations in the field much more natural.
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