Student[LinearAlgebra][GaussJordanEliminationTutor] - interactive Gauss-Jordan elimination
Calling Sequence
GaussJordanEliminationTutor(M, v)
The GaussJordanEliminationTutor(M) command allows you to interactively reduce the Matrix M to reduced row echelon form using Gauss-Jordan elimination. You can then query for the rank, nullity, and bases for the row, column, and null spaces. It returns the reduced Matrix.
The GaussJordanEliminationTutor(M, v) command allows you to interactively solve the system by reducing the augmented Matrix <M | v> to reduced row echelon form using Gauss-Jordan elimination. It returns the solution as a column Vector.
Floating-point numbers in M or v are converted to rationals before computation begins.
The dimensions of the Matrix must be no greater than 5x5.
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