Student[LinearAlgebra][GaussianEliminationTutor] - interactive Gaussian elimination
Calling Sequence
GaussianEliminationTutor(M, v)
The GaussianEliminationTutor(M) command will call the Matrix Property Analyzer form of the tutor. The tutor allows you to interactively reduce the Matrix M to row echelon form using Gaussian elimination. You can then query for the rank, nullity, and bases for the row, column, and null spaces. It returns the reduced Matrix.
The GaussianEliminationTutor(M, v) command will call the System Solver form of the tutor. The tutor allows you to interactively solve the system by reducing the augmented Matrix <M | v> to row echelon form using Gaussian elimination followed by backwards substitution. It returns the solution as a column Vector.
The above two forms of the tutor are mutually exclusive, and certain commands from one form are not available in the other. To access the other form, close the tutor, and call it again using the appropriate arguments. If no arguments are given, the tutor will start in the System Solver form by default.
Floating-point numbers in M or v are converted to rationals before computation begins.
The dimensions of the Matrix must be no greater than 5x5.
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