Matlab[defined] - check the existence of a variable in an open MATLAB session
Calling Sequence
defined(M, attribute)
string naming the MATLAB variable to be tested
(optional) where attribute is one of 'variable', 'function', or 'globalvar'
The command defined determines whether the variable M is defined in MATLAB. By default, when no attribute parameter is specified, the defined command checks whether a variable named M exists in the MATLAB environment.
If the command contains the optional parameter 'function', then defined returns a value of 'true' only if a function named is defined in the MATLAB environment. The option 'globalvar' returns 'true' if the variable M is defined in the MATLAB environment and it is a global variable.
To set a global variable in MATLAB, define the variable as a global by using Matlab[setvar], with the optional parameter 'globalvar' as in the calling sequence Matlab[setvar]("M", value, 'globalvar'). Variables must be declared as global to work with functions that use global variables of the same name.
The defined command establishes whether M exists in the MATLAB session. Executing the defined command returns either 'true' or 'false'.
Setting a Maple matrix in MATLAB.
The existence of the matrix in MATLAB is now checked.
Note here that the matrix defined in Maple is not defined in MATLAB
This example assumes that a MATLAB function has been saved in the file example.m
% multiply the input value x by the global variable y
function ret=example(x)
global y