XMLTools[ParseString] - parse a Maple string containing XML data
Calling Sequence
ParseString(xmlString, opts)
string; XML element
equation(s) of the form option=value; specify parsing options
The ParseString(xmlString) command parses the input string xmlString, which is assumed to be a valid XML document.
Errors detected by the parser in this routine are reported, but the parser does not validate the XML structure. Only errors that prevent this routine from converting the input string into an internal XML format are detected.
The opts argument can contain one or more equations that set parsing options. For a complete description, see XMLTools[ParseFile].
Important: The parser used for this routine is not a validating parser.
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![_XML_Document(_XML_Element(_XML_ElementType("a"), [_XML_Attribute(_XML_AttrName("attrname"), _XML_AttrValue("attrval"))], [_XML_Text("text")]))](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=7751/file03460/math100.png)
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![_XML_Document(_XML_Element(_XML_ElementType("a"), [], [_XML_Text("text1"), _XML_Element(_XML_ElementType("b"), [], [_XML_Text("text2")])]))](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=7751/file03460/math107.png)
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![_XML_Document(_XML_Element(_XML_ElementType("a"), [_XML_Attribute(_XML_AttrName("attr1"), _XML_AttrValue("val1"))], [_XML_Text("text1"), _XML_Element(_XML_ElementType("b"), [_XML_Attribute(_XML_AttrName("attr2"), _XML_AttrValue("val2")), _XML_Attribute(_XML_AttrName("attr3"), _XML_AttrValue("val3"))], [_XML_Text("text2")])]))](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=7751/file03460/math114.png)
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