Graphics Improvements in Maple 6
Arrays, Matrices, and Vectors
Arrays, Matrices, and Vectors that are too big to fit in the worksheet can be viewed in the Structured Data Browser in one of three view types: Structure, Density, and Magnitude.
Structure View: The Structure view lets you see at a glance where the nonzero values are in your object.
Density View: The Density view shows what proportion of each area in the object is nonzero.
Magnitude View: The Magnitude view uses color to show both the density and the relative magnitude of values found in the different areas of the object.
When examining your data with any view, you also have the option of zooming in to get a closer look at the data. With multidimensional Arrays, you can also choose which "slice" of the Array to examine by choosing which dimension should be represented by each axis in the browser, and which dimensions to hold fixed.
You can also export a Matrix or Vector from Maple to a file in one of three formats: Matlab, MatrixMarket, or Tab Delimited. For more information, see Export a Matrix or Vector.
Plot Improvements
Use the Export menu or the plotsetup command to export on-screen plots in one of the many formats now available, including DXF, POV, WMF, and BMP. For more information, see Export a Plot.
Several features have been added to enhance plot labeling.
Use a menu or a Maple command to display a legend with editable labels for all, or for individual, 2-D plots. See Display or Remove a Legend.
Create multiline titles for standard plots. See plot,options.
Real-time rotation of plots is now available for UNIX platforms, as well as Windows and Macintosh platforms.
The values of Matrix entries can be plotted by using the plots,matrixplot command.